
Annual conferences

2024 | Families and the Law

Please find below some extra content related to CIAJ's 2024 Annual Conference on "Families and the Law."

Note: Documents are grouped by panel and may be available only in one language or in both.

PANEL #6: Understanding High-Conflict Families and Paths to Resolution


You can find below resources about "Family Law" available on CIAJ's website: podcasts, videos, documents... These resources may be available only in one language or in both. In the latter case, both versions will be indicated below.

Podcasts --- Balados

A list of episodes in English about "Family Law": here

  • Episode 48: Family Law Reform Part I: The Right to a Good Life
  • Episode 49: Family Law Reform Part II: Brain Science, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Resilience
  • Episode 50: Family Law Reform Part III: It’s All About the Children
  • Episode 87: 7 Changes for Access to Justice

A list of episodes in French about "Family Law": here

  • Épisode 33: La représentation des enfants dans le cadre d’un litige en matière familiale
  • Épisode 36: Droit de la famille : l’enlèvement international d’un enfant
  • Épisode 38: Un dossier en matière familiale : points de vue du juge et de l’avocat
  • Épisode 39: Les conférences de règlement à l’amiable : points de vue du juge et de l’avocat
  • Épisode 92: Les familles et le droit: l’approche innovatrice du droit collaboratif

Blog --- Blogue

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
There are no documents in this section

2023 | The Law of Borders

Report from the Conference l May 16, 2024
The Law Of Borders
Authors: Nathan Afilalo & Sarah Rowe

Conference Title: The Law of Borders
Date: October 25-27, 2023
Honorary Chair: The Honourable Justice Mahmud Jamal, Supreme Court of Canada
Keynote Speaker: Her Excellency Yuliya Kovaliv, Ambassador of Ukraine, Canada
Fireside Chat: Ghizal Haress, Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law and Massey College, University of Toronto; Former Ombudsperson, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice P. Colleen Suche; The Honourable Justice Julie Dutil
Location: Online & In person in Ottawa, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  1034 Welcome Remarks (PowerPoint)
The Honourable Mahmud Jamal | 7 pages
The Honourable Mahmud Jamal 7 pages
  1035 Panel 1 (PowerPoint)
Delphine Nakache | 4 pages
Delphine Nakache 4 pages
  1036 Labour Exploitation and Barriers to Accessing Justice for Migrant Workers (PowerPoint)
Amanda Aziz | 15 pages
Amanda Aziz 15 pages
  1037 No or conditional access to permanent status: Infringement on the Rule of Law/(im)migrant workers’ right to access justice (PowerPoint)
Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier | 15 pages
Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier 15 pages
  1038 No or conditional access to permanent status: Infringement on the Rule of Law/(im)migrant workers’ right to access justice (Paper)
Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier | 110 pages
Eugénie Depatie-Pelletier 110 pages
  1039 The Legal & Regulatory Framing of Migrant Workers: Protections and Precarity (PowerPoint)
Constance MacIntosh | 16 pages
Constance MacIntosh 16 pages
  1040 Breakfast with the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada: Adjudication in a high-volume tribunal (PowerPoint)
Angus Grant & Gary Dukeshire | 10 pages
Angus Grant & Gary Dukeshire 10 pages
  1041 Déjeuner avec la Commission de l’immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada: La prise de décisions dans un tribunal qui traite un grand nombre de cas (PowerPoint)
Angus Grant & Gary Dukeshire | 10 pages
Angus Grant & Gary Dukeshire 10 pages
  1042 Safeguards and Challenges in the Canadian Extradition Process (PowerPoint)
Janet Henchey | 11 pages
Janet Henchey 11 pages
  1043 Extradition & Fair Trial: Canadian v. European continental evidence principles and concepts (PowerPoint)
Demetra Sorvatzioti | 20 pages
Demetra Sorvatzioti 20 pages
  1044 Les questions de droit pénal et l’immigration - Criminal Law Issues and Immigration (PowerPoint)
Anthony Navaneelan & Banafsheh Sokhansanj | 34 pages
Anthony Navaneelan & Banafsheh Sokhansanj 34 pages
  1045 Digital Challenges, Artificial Intelligence and Borders (PowerPoint)
Céline Castets-Renard | 12 pages
Céline Castets-Renard 12 pages
  1046 Domestic Production Orders re: Foreign-Stored Evidence (PowerPoint)
Gerald Chan | 21 pages
Gerald Chan 21 pages
  1047 Cross-border teleworking: Jurisdiction and choice of law challenges (PowerPoint)
Naivi Chikoc Barreda | 9 pages
Naivi Chikoc Barreda 9 pages
  1048 Refugee Protection in Canada (PowerPoint)
Preeti Adhopia | 12 pages
Preeti Adhopia 12 pages
  1049 Complexity of Fact-Finding in Refugee Determination (PowerPoint)
Lobat Sadrehashemi | 1 pages
Lobat Sadrehashemi 1 pages
  1050 Indigenous Sovereignty and Borders (PowerPoint)
Bonnie Cole | 8 pages
Bonnie Cole 8 pages
  1051 IPETCA, A New Indigenous Trade Tool (PowerPoint)
Wayne D. Garnons-Williams | 17 pages
Wayne D. Garnons-Williams 17 pages
  1052 Incursions into a Parallel Universe: The Cross-border Context and the Cultural Aspect (PowerPoint)
Mélanie Raymond | 9 pages
Mélanie Raymond 9 pages
  1053 Incursions dans un univers parallèle: le contexte transfrontalier et l’aspect culturel (PowerPoint)
Mélanie Raymond | 9 pages
Mélanie Raymond 9 pages
  1054 International Abduction Fact Scenario for Discussion Purposes (PowerPoint)
Oren Weinberg | 7 pages
Oren Weinberg 7 pages
  1055 Equality Rights for Temporary Migrant Labourers Under Section 15 of the Charter (PowerPoint)
Seth Gordon | 19 pages
Seth Gordon 19 pages
  1056 Canadian Borderlands: Equality Rights for Temporary Migrant Labourers Under Section 15 of the Charter (Paper)
Seth Gordon | 21 pages
Seth Gordon 21 pages
  1057 When (and Where) Is a Crime a Crime? “Double Criminality” as a Principle of Fundamental Justice (PowerPoint)
Robert J. Currie | 23 pages
Robert J. Currie 23 pages

2022 | The Right to Dignity in Canadian Law

Report from the Conference  l  May 23, 2023
Instantiating, Preserving and Restoring Dignity
Authors: Nathan Afilalo & Sarah Rowe

Please find below some extra content related to CIAJ's 2022 Annual Conference on "The Right to Dignity in Canadian Law."

The speakers' documentation can be found at the bottom of this page.

Note: Documents are grouped by panel and may be available only in one language or in both.

PANEL #1: From Notion to Norm: The Many Meanings of Dignity

List of cases (affaires reliées):

PANEL #2: Wrongful Convictions

PANEL #3: Sex, Gender Identity, and Reproduction

List of cases (affaires reliées):

PANEL #4: Reconciliation: Restorative Approaches to Preserving Dignity

PANEL #5: The Systemic Ableism Within the Context of COVID-19 and Medical Assistance in Dying

PANEL #6: Prisoner Justice: Dignity Through Decarceration

PANEL #7: Diversity as Reality: Experiences of Law Students and Legal Professionals (Student Panel)

PANEL #8: Caring for Older People

PANEL #9: A Discussion on Medical Assistance in Dying


You can find below resources about "Dignity" available on CIAJ's website: podcasts, videos, documents... These resources may be available only in one language or in both. In the latter case, both versions will be indicated below.

Podcasts --- Balados

A list of episodes in English about "Dignity": here

An episode in French about "Dignity"

  • Un épisode en collaboration avec LexisNexis Canada I Épisode 60 : Dignité et aide médicale à mourir

Blog --- Blogue

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  1027 UBC Innocence Project: Restoring Dignity Through Wrongful Conviction Remedies (PowerPoint)
Tamara Levy | 9 pages
Tamara Levy 9 pages
  1028 Injustices and Miscarriages of Justice Experienced by 12 Indigenous Women (PowerPoint)
Kim Pate | 30 pages
Kim Pate 30 pages
  1029 What Gets Measured Gets Done (Sort Of): Compliance versus Meaning (PowerPoint)
Amber Crowe & Barbara Fallon | 46 pages
Amber Crowe & Barbara Fallon 46 pages
  1030 What COVID-19 Hospital No-Visitor Policies and the Ever-Expanding Eligibility for MAID Reveal About What and Who is Considered “Essential” in Canada (PowerPoint)
Heidi Janz | 27 pages
Heidi Janz 27 pages
  1031 There Is No Dignity in Prison (PowerPoint)
Jennifer Metcalfe | 40 pages
Jennifer Metcalfe 40 pages
  1032 The Role of Prison in Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity Against Indigenous People in Canada (Paper)
Prisoners’ Legal Services (Jennifer Metcalfe) | 10 pages
Prisoners’ Legal Services (Jennifer Metcalfe) 10 pages
  1033 My Journey of Resilience (PowerPoint)
Patricia Whyte | 13 pages
Patricia Whyte 13 pages

2021 | Indigenous Peoples and the Law

Report from the Conference l June 21, 2022
Asserting Self-Governance: Report From CIAJ’s Annual Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law
Author: Nathan Afilalo, Lawyer, CIAJ

The speakers' documentation can be found at the bottom of this page.

On this page, you will also find extra content related to CIAJ's 2021 Annual Conference on "Indigenous Peoples and the Law."

Note: Documents are grouped by panel and may be available only in one language or in both.

PANEL #1: Voices Past, Present and Future

Report of the Royal Commision on Aboriginal Peoples

Provincial Court of British Columbia: Specialized Courts

PANEL #2: Review of the Legacy and Impact of the Truthand Reconciliation Commission

Truth and Reconciliation Commission --- Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada

Decolonizing Water Governance:

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls --- l’Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées

The Aboriginal Justice Implementation Commission

Public Inquiry Commission on relations between Indigenous Peoples and certain public services in Québec: listening, reconciliation and progress, chaired by the Honourable Jacques Viens --- La Commission d’enquête sur les relations entre les Autochtones et certains services publics au Québec : écoute, réconciliation et progrès, présidée par l’honorable Jacques Viens

PANEL #3: Indigenous Laws and Justice System

PANEL #4: Student Panel

PANEL #5: Child Welfare and Reforms

PANEL #6: Canada’s Treatment of Indigenous Offenders 

PANEL #7: First Nation, Metis, Inuit Governments and Self-Government

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples --- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, SBC 2019, c 44

PANEL #8: Reports and Inquiries on Indigenous People and Systemic Racism


You can find below resources about "Indigenous Peoples" available on CIAJ's website: podcasts, videos, documents... These resources may be available only in one language or in both. In the latter case, both versions will be indicated below.

Podcasts --- Balados

A list of episodes in English about "Indigenous Peoples": here

  • Episode 14: Cultural Diversity and Bias in Risk Assessment
  • Episode 20: Remodeling Canadian Legal Traditions
  • Episode 21: Remodeling Canadian Legal Traditions, Part 2: The Anishinaabe Perspective
  • Episode 22: The Intersection of Policing, The Criminal Justice System and Cultural Diversity: How to Ensure a Representative Jury
  • Episode 24: The Intersection of Policing, The Criminal Justice System and Cultural Diversity: How to Ensure a Representative Jury | Part 2
  • Episode 27: Institutions and A2J: From Barriers to Open Doors
  • Episode 40: The Application of Gladue Principles beyond the Criminal Law Context
  • Episode 44: Implementing the TRC Calls to Action in the Courtroom (Takeaways from the CIAJ 45th Annual Conference)
  • Episode 53: The Honourable Murray Sinclair’s Address From CIAJ’s 45th Annual Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law
  • Episode 55: The Honourable Robert J. Bauman’s Address From CIAJ’s 45th Annual Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law
  • Episode 57: Debra Sparrow’s Land Acknowledgement Address From CIAJ’s 45th Annual Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law

An episode in French about "Indigenous Peoples"

  • Épisode 13 : L’autonomie gouvernementale autochtone au Québec
  • Épisode 56 : Les Principes de Gladue et la santé mentale (excerpt from Panel 6 of the 2021 Annual Conference, given in French by the Honourable Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin)

Videos --- Vidéos


Blog --- Blogue

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  1002 A Duty to Act (Opening Remarks)
Robert J. Bauman | 6 pages
Robert J. Bauman 6 pages
  1003 Indigenous Laws and the Justice System (PowerPoint)
Val Napoleon | 24 pages
Val Napoleon 24 pages
  1004 Indigenous Laws and Justice System: An Akwesasne Justice System (PowerPoint)
Joyce King | 7 pages
Joyce King 7 pages
  1005 First Nations Court of New Westminster and the Aboriginal Family Healing Court Conferences (PowerPoint)
Garth Smith | 15 pages
Garth Smith 15 pages
  1006 In-Depth Case Study: Cowichan Tribes’ Child and Family Wellness Law Project (PowerPoint)
Sarah Morales | 25 pages
Sarah Morales 25 pages
  1007 Indigenous jurisdiction, Self-Determination and Child Welfare (PowerPoint)
Halie Bruce | 6 pages
Halie Bruce 6 pages
  1008 Self-determination + Equity = Success for First Nations Children and Families (PowerPoint)
Cindy Blackstock | 15 pages
Cindy Blackstock 15 pages
  1009 Time to Act to Decolonize, Decriminalize & Decarcerate: Progressive Trends to Indigenize Seem to Worsen the Mass Incarceration of Indigenous Peoples (PowerPoint)
Kim Pate | 30 pages
Kim Pate 30 pages
  1010 Toward a Guaranteed Livable Income (Annotated Bibliography)
Kim Pate | 44 pages
Kim Pate 44 pages
  1011 Why a Guaranteed Livable Income? Our Perspective
Kim Pate | 11 pages
Kim Pate 11 pages
  1012 Bill C-83: Senate Amendments and Proposed Government Response
Kim Pate | 15 pages
Kim Pate 15 pages
  1013 Bill C-22 is inadequate for the task of addressing injustice in Canada’s justice system (Opinion in The Globe and Mail)
Kim Pate | 3 pages
Kim Pate 3 pages
  1014 Fact Sheet: Judicial Discretion Bill
Kim Pate | 2 pages
Kim Pate 2 pages
  1015 Fact Sheet: They did their time: Letting People Move on From the Crime
Kim Pate | 2 pages
Kim Pate 2 pages
  1016 Links
Kim Pate | 2 pages
Kim Pate 2 pages
  1017 Gladue and Ipeelee: The Need for More Emphasis on Part B (PowerPoint)
Kent Roach | 13 pages
Kent Roach 13 pages
  1018 Unpacking Self-Government & Indigenous Law for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Governments (PowerPoint)
Merle Alexander | 9 pages
Merle Alexander 9 pages
  1019 Indigenous Self-Government in Canada: Where Are We and the Métis Landscape (PowerPoint)
Jason T. Madden | 22 pages
Jason T. Madden 22 pages
  1020 Expanding Our Vision - Cultural Equality & Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights (PowerPoint)
Diana Vandor | 12 pages
Diana Vandor 12 pages
  1021 Anti-Indigenous Racism: Lessons from Reviews and Inquiries, Learnings for the Administration of Justice in Canada (PowerPoint)
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond | 7 pages
Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond 7 pages
  1022 An Approach to Combatting Systemic Racism (PowerPoint)
Douglas R. Campbell | 12 pages
Douglas R. Campbell 12 pages
  1023 Public Inquiry Commission on Relations Between Indigenous Peoples and Certain Public Services in Québec: Listening, Reconciliation and Progress (Cerp, Viens Commission) (PowerPoint)
Marie-Andrée Denis-Boileau | 21 pages
Marie-Andrée Denis-Boileau 21 pages
  1024 Who Sets the Course in a Health Crisis Response? (2021 Essay Prize-Prix de dissertation_Christine Huglo Robertson)
Michelle Pucci | 27 pages
Michelle Pucci 27 pages
  1025 Kijibashik – Turn it Around: Stories About Motherhood from Previously Incarcerated Indigenous Mothers in Ontario (2021 Fellowship_Bourse de recherche Charles-D.-Gonthier)
Tenzin Butsang & Angela Mashford-Pringle | 13 pages
Tenzin Butsang & Angela Mashford-Pringle 13 pages
  1026 Gitxsan Legal Personhood: Gendered - Chapter 2 (PowerPoint)
Val Napoleon | 14 pages
Val Napoleon 14 pages

2019 | The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media on Legal Institutions

Conference Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media on Legal Institutions
Date: October 16-18, 2019
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice James O'Reilly, Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSC
Location: Quebec City, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  977 AI and Bias (PowerPoint)
Derek Ruths | 6 pages
Derek Ruths 6 pages
  978 Social Media and the Canadian Legal System (PowerPoint)
Jennifer Stairs | 16 pages
Jennifer Stairs 16 pages
  979 The Risks and rewards of Emerging Technologies (PowerPoint)
Lorne Sossin | 8 pages
Lorne Sossin 8 pages
  980 The Use of Social Media by Judges (PowerPoint)
Frances Kiteley | 19 pages
Frances Kiteley 19 pages
  981 The Influence of Social Media on Judging (PowerPoint)
Peter D. Lauwers | 18 pages
Peter D. Lauwers 18 pages
  982 Les médias sociaux et les processus de décision (PowerPoint)
Pierre Trudel | 13 pages
Pierre Trudel 13 pages
  983 How Social Media Impacts on the Duties of Counsel and the Court (authorities cited)
Mark Sandler | 10 pages
Mark Sandler 10 pages
  984 Themis et ses amis Facebook (PowerPoint)
Sophie Bourque | 45 pages
Sophie Bourque 45 pages
  985 Themis and Its Facebook Friends (PowerPoint)
Sophie Bourque | 45 pages
Sophie Bourque 45 pages
  986 L'intelligence artificielle remplacera-t-elle les juges et les avocats? (PowerPoint)
Alain Lavoie | 10 pages
Alain Lavoie 10 pages
  987 Will AI Replace Lawyers and Judges? (PowerPoint)
Alain Lavoie | 10 pages
Alain Lavoie 10 pages
  988 Help Wanted: Lawyers with Experience in Machine Learning (Powerpoint)
Eric Lavallée | 8 pages
Eric Lavallée 8 pages
  989 Médias sociaux : pour que la fête continue! (PowerPoint)
Frédéric Letendre | 33 pages
Frédéric Letendre 33 pages
  990 Defamation Law in the Internet Age
Sue Gratton | 8 pages
Sue Gratton 8 pages
  991 Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence (PowerPoint)
David Masahura | 17 pages
David Masahura 17 pages
  992 Artificial Intelligence, Government Decisions and Legitimate Authority (PowerPoint)
Hugo Cyr | 34 pages
Hugo Cyr 34 pages
  993 Functional and Existential Authorities
Hugo Cyr | 26 pages
Hugo Cyr 26 pages
  995 Algorithmic Systems and Fair Decision Making (PowerPoint)
Jennifer Raso | 18 pages
Jennifer Raso 18 pages
  996 Enhancing Regulatory Insights and and Policy Analytics Through The Use of New and Emerging Technology (PowerPoint)
Neil Bouwer | 15 pages
Neil Bouwer 15 pages
  997 Améliorer les perspectives réglementaires et l’analyse des politiques grâce à l’utilisation des technologies nouvelles et émergentes (PowerPoint)
Neil Bouwer | 15 pages
Neil Bouwer 15 pages
  998 Vulnerability and Control: Deepfakes, Image-Based Abuse and Online Harm (PowerPoint)
Suzie Dunn, Eve Gaumond, Nareg Froundijian, Yuan Stevens | 66 pages
Suzie Dunn, Eve Gaumond, Nareg Froundijian, Yuan Stevens 66 pages
  1000 Faux documents, mystification et hypertrucages: comment peut-on se fier à la preuve technologique?
Nicholas Vermeys | 26 pages
Nicholas Vermeys 26 pages
  1001 Médias sociaux et communications judiciaires: vers un nouveau paradigme (PowerPoint)
Charles Moumouni | 27 pages
Charles Moumouni 27 pages

2018 | Justice and Mental Health

Conference Title: Justice and Mental Health Religious Diversity in the Administration of Justice)
Date: October 17-19, 2018
Honorary Chair: Senator Kim Pate, Senate of Canada
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice James O'Reilly, Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSC
Location: Ottawa, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  958 Mental Health and Criminal Law Impacts on Policing (PowerPoint)
Brenda Butterworth-Carr | 23 pages
Brenda Butterworth-Carr 23 pages
  959 Intersection of Legal and Clinical Pathways (PowerPoint)
Anne Crocker | 28 pages
Anne Crocker 28 pages
  960 A primer in Forensics Psychiatry - Navigating the Forensic Mental Health System (PowerPoint)
Mathieu Dufour | 31 pages
Mathieu Dufour 31 pages
  961 Coming Together to Better Respond to People Experiencing Mental Health Problems
Alanna Dunlop | 9 pages
Alanna Dunlop 9 pages
  962 Les tribunaux en santé mentale : la justice comme service? (PowerPoint)
Véronique Fortin | 28 pages
Véronique Fortin 28 pages
  963 Prise en charge des personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale par le système de justice civile (PowerPoint)
Lucie Joncas | 37 pages
Lucie Joncas 37 pages
  964 Struggle, Recovery and Hope (PowerPoint with video)
Jamie Livingston | 12 pages
Jamie Livingston 12 pages
  965 Police Mental Health Intervention Unit (PowerPoint)
Heather Matthew | 18 pages
Heather Matthew 18 pages
  966 The Intersection of Legal and Clinical Pathways (PowerPoint)
Alexander Simpson | 26 pages
Alexander Simpson 26 pages
  967 Possible Solutions from Community Mental Health (PowerPoint)
Patrick Smith | 27 pages
Patrick Smith 27 pages
  968 Supporting Mental Health in Judicial System (PowerPoint)
Lisa St. Pierre | 9 pages
Lisa St. Pierre 9 pages
  969 Civil Justice and People Suffering from Mental Health Problems (PowerPoint)
Jeff Turnbull | 5 pages
Jeff Turnbull 5 pages
  970 Theories of Personhood (PowerPoint)
Chantelle Van Wiltenberg | 15 pages
Chantelle Van Wiltenberg 15 pages
  971 Capturing the Legal Subject in a Dangerousness-Based Model of Preventative Detention
Chantelle Van Wiltenberg | 23 pages
Chantelle Van Wiltenberg 23 pages
  972 Social Issues Impacting on Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System
Jeffrey Waldman | 6 pages
Jeffrey Waldman 6 pages
  973 Mental Health, Criminal Law and Sentence Enforcement
Ivan Zinger | 20 pages
Ivan Zinger 20 pages
  974 Office of the Correctional Investigator-2016-2017 Annual Report
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 105 pages
Office of the Correctional Investigator 105 pages
  975 Risky Business: An Investigation of the Treatment and Management of Chronic Self-Injury Among Federally Sentenced Women
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 37 pages
Office of the Correctional Investigator 37 pages
  976 Office of the Correctional Investigator-Useful Information-Renseignements utiles
Office of the Correctional Investigator | 1 pages
Office of the Correctional Investigator 1 pages

2017 | The Charter Challenge Conundrum: The Clash of Rights and Values and the Canadian Cultural Mosaic (Cultural and Religious Diversity in the Administration of Justice)

Conference Title: The Charter Challenge Conundrum: The Clash of Rights and Values and the Canadian Cultural Mosaic (Cultural and Religious Diversity in the Administration of Justice)
Date: October 2-4, 2017
Honorary Chair: The Honourable Nicole Duval Hesler, Chief Justice, Court of Appeal of Quebec 
 The Honourable Justice Georgina R. Jackson, Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSC
Location: Montreal, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  943 Muslim Perspectives on the Administration of Justice (PowerPoint)
Sheema Khan | 5 pages
Sheema Khan 5 pages
  944 Defining Cultural and Religious Diversity in the Administration of Justice: Are There Different Perspectives? (PowerPoint)
Jack Jedwab | 9 pages
Jack Jedwab 9 pages
  945 Difference and Inclusion: Reframing Reasonable Accommodation
Vrinda Narain | 24 pages
Vrinda Narain 24 pages
  946 Freedom of Religion in Europe: Finding the Golden Mean Between Too Little and Too Much Protection
Marie-Claire Foblets | pages
Marie-Claire Foblets pages
  947 Faut-il faire évoluer la loi sur l’égalité des droits? (PowerPoint avec video)
Pascale Fournier | 42 pages
Pascale Fournier 42 pages
  948 Living Indigenous Laws (inaakonigewin) (PowerPoint)
Aimée Craft | 17 pages
Aimée Craft 17 pages
  949 De quelle diversité parle-t-on? (PowerPoint)
Rachida Azdouz | 5 pages
Rachida Azdouz 5 pages
  950 Whose Diversity? (PowerPoint)
Rachida Azdouz | 5 pages
Rachida Azdouz 5 pages
  951 The Experiences of the Aga Khan Ismaili Conciliation and Arbitration Board in Canada (PowerPoint)
Fareen Jamal | 32 pages
Fareen Jamal 32 pages
  952 Whose Diversity Is It Anyway (PowerPoint)
Alexander Pless | 18 pages
Alexander Pless 18 pages
  953 The Intersection of Policing, The Criminal Justice System and Cultural Diversity: How to Ensure a Representative Jury (PowerPoint)
Carol J. Ross | 35 pages
Carol J. Ross 35 pages
  954 Piercing the Veil of Ignorance: Niqabi Women and the Adjudication of Sexual Assault
Natasha Bakht | 28 pages
Natasha Bakht 28 pages
  955 Critical Race Theory, Canadian Law, and Society (PowerPoint)
Donald F. McLeod | 23 pages
Donald F. McLeod 23 pages
  956 Comment le système de justice s'est-il adapté - Horizons de l'évaluation et réflexivité (PowerPoint)
Solange Lefebvre | 10 pages
Solange Lefebvre 10 pages
  957 How Has The Law Responded? - Horizons of the Evaluation and Reflexivity (PowerPoint)
Solange Lefebvre | 10 pages
Solange Lefebvre 10 pages

2016 | Civil Justice and Economics: A Matter of Value

Conference Title: Civil Justice and Economics: A Matter of Value
Date: October 5-7, 2016
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Georgina R. Jackson, Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSC
Location: Ottawa, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  924 The Price of Justice
Michael Trebilcock | 22 pages
Michael Trebilcock 22 pages
  925 Cost of Justice Research (PowerPoint)
Trevor C.W. Farrow | 19 pages
Trevor C.W. Farrow 19 pages
  926 Meaningful Access to Civil Justice: What We Know and Should Know About Costs at Critical Junctures (PowerPoint)
Les Jacobs | 28 pages
Les Jacobs 28 pages
  927 Law, justice and numbers. What we know… and everything we should know… (PowerPoint)
Pierre Noreau | 22 pages
Pierre Noreau 22 pages
  928 Le projet de recherche Accès au droit et à accès à la justice (ADAJ) (septembre 2016)
Pierre Noreau | 11 pages
Pierre Noreau 11 pages
  929 The Path of Lawyers: Enhancing Predictive Ability through Risk Assessment Methods (Handout)
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet | 8 pages
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet 8 pages
  930 The Path of Lawyers: Enhancing Predictive Ability through Risk Assessment Methods
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet | 73 pages
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet 73 pages
  931 Risk Analysis A Methodological Approach to Early Case Assessment in Litigation and Settlement (PowerPoint)
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet | 13 pages
Heather Heavin, Michaela Keet 13 pages
  932 Some economics of the class action
Ejan Mackaay | 5 pages
Ejan Mackaay 5 pages
  933 Ways of Making Existing Systems of Civil Justice Work Better
Geoffrey Morawetz | 2 pages
Geoffrey Morawetz 2 pages
  934 Nombre de dossiers ouverts dans les juridictions de premières instances (PowerPoint)
Daniel Dumais | 10 pages
Daniel Dumais 10 pages
  935 Judicial Economics: Avoiding a Multiplicity of Class Proceedings
Paul Perell | 16 pages
Paul Perell 16 pages
  936 Social Media Statistics (PowerPoint)
Frances Kiteley | 5 pages
Frances Kiteley 5 pages
  937 Comment la technologie peut-elle contribuer à une modernisation efficace de la justice ? (PowerPoint)
Karim Benyekhlef | 17 pages
Karim Benyekhlef 17 pages
  938 Civil Resolution Tribunal (PowerPoint)
Shannon Salter | 30 pages
Shannon Salter 30 pages
  939 Moving beyond licensing, discipline and unauthorized practice professional regulation and access to justice (PowerPoint)
Mark Benton | 13 pages
Mark Benton 13 pages
  940 Ten Ways to Better Justice
Sarah McCoubrey | 10 pages
Sarah McCoubrey 10 pages
  941 Ten Ways to Better Justice (PowerPoint)
Sarah McCoubrey | 12 pages
Sarah McCoubrey 12 pages
  942 Pleased, Concerned, Hopeful
Chris Bentley | 5 pages
Chris Bentley 5 pages

2015 | Aboriginal Peoples and Law: “We Are All Here to Stay”

Conference Title: Aboriginal Peoples and Law: "We Are All Here to Stay"
Date: October 14-16, 2015
Chair: The Honourable Justice Georgina Jackson
Location: Saskatoon, SK

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  901  Ki’inaakonigewin: Reclaiming Space for Indigenous Laws
Aimée Craft | 13 pages
Aimée Craft 13 pages
  903 Indigenous Restorative Justice: Approaches, Meaning & Possibility
Jeffery G. Hewitt | 23 pages
Jeffery G. Hewitt 23 pages
  905 Truth, Reconciliation and Justice (PowerPoint) 
Kimberly Murray  | 28 pages
Kimberly Murray  28 pages
  906  Saskatoon Police Service "Honour, Spirit, Vision" (PowerPoint)
Clive Weighill  | 15 pages
Clive Weighill  15 pages
  907 Who are the Métis and Why are We Asking the Question? (PowerPoint)
Jason Madden | 58 pages
Jason Madden 58 pages
  908 Who Has Legislative Jurisdiction in Relation to the Métis? An Update on the Harry Daniels v. Canada Case
Jason Madden | 10 pages
Jason Madden 10 pages
  909 Manitoba Métis Federation v. Canada (Attorney General) - Understanding the Supreme Court of Canada's Decision
Jason Madden | 12 pages
Jason Madden 12 pages
  914 The End is Not Nigh - Reason over alarmism in analysing the Tsilhqot’in decision
Dwight Newman & Kenneth Coates | 36 pages
Dwight Newman & Kenneth Coates 36 pages
  916 Remarks of the Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin, P.C., Chief Justice of Canada, at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice
Beverley McLachlin | 14 pages
Beverley McLachlin 14 pages
  917 Videoconferencing System - A New Tool for the Itinerant Court - Servicing Northern & Remote Communities (PowerPoint)
Daniel Bédard | 16 pages
Daniel Bédard 16 pages
  920 CIAJ Presentation - Gladue Video Project
Lisa Jackson | 3 pages
Lisa Jackson 3 pages
  922 A Small Path to Reconciliation
Shaun Nakatsuru | 17 pages
Shaun Nakatsuru 17 pages

2014 | Privacy in the Age of Information

Conference Title: Privacy in the Age of Information
Date: October 15-17, 2014
Chair: The Honourable Chief Justice J. Derek Green
Location: St. John's, NL

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  866 Competing Forces: Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Information in an Electronic World (PowerPoint)
Elaine Gibson | 17 pages
Elaine Gibson 17 pages
  867 Does Canadian Case Law Include a Right to Know One's Genetic Origins? (PowerPoint)
Elaine Gibson | 4 pages
Elaine Gibson 4 pages
  868 Wired Identities:  Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Information in an Electronic World 
Elaine Gibson | 22 pages
Elaine Gibson 22 pages
  869 Privacy in Healthcare: (PowerPoint)
Robin Gould-Soil | 12 pages
Robin Gould-Soil 12 pages
  870  Health Care Professionals and the Privacy Rights of Patients
Elizabeth J. McIntyre  | 23 pages
Elizabeth J. McIntyre  23 pages
  871  Personal Privacy and Public Benefits in the Genomics Era of Personalized Medicine (PowerPoint)
Dr. Daryl Pullman  | 27 pages
Dr. Daryl Pullman  27 pages
  872 Personal Privacy, Public Benefits and Biobanks: A Conjoint Analysis of Policy Priorities and Public Perceptions
Dr. Daryl Pullman - American College of Medical Genetics | 0 pages
Dr. Daryl Pullman - American College of Medical Genetics 0 pages
  873 Privacy Considerations in the Cloud (PowerPoint)
Amanda Coffield  | 7 pages
Amanda Coffield  7 pages
  874  Privacy and Freedom of Expression – The Right to be Forgotten in Canada (PowerPoint)
David Fraser  | 15 pages
David Fraser  15 pages
  875  Emerging Issues – Wearables! (PowerPoint)
David Fraser  | 33 pages
David Fraser  33 pages
  876  Culture + Privacy (PowerPoint)
Vincent Gautrais  | 67 pages
Vincent Gautrais  67 pages
  877  Proposition de Règlement général sur la protection des données : un regard d’ailleurs…
Vincent Gautrais  | 26 pages
Vincent Gautrais  26 pages
  878  Social Media and Technology: The Death of Privacy? (PowerPoint)
A. Wayne MacKay  | 24 pages
A. Wayne MacKay  24 pages
  878A Law as an Ally or Enemy in the War on Cyberbullying:  Exploring the Contested Terrrain of Privacy and Other Legal Concepts in the Age of Technology and Social Media
A. Wayne MacKay | 48 pages
A. Wayne MacKay 48 pages
  879 The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association v. The Communications Security Establishment of Canada
Joseph J. Arvay  | 21 pages
Joseph J. Arvay  21 pages
  880  Toronto Police Service – Computer Cyber Crime Section (C3) (PowerPoint)
Shawna Coxon  | 33 pages
Shawna Coxon  33 pages
  881  Privacy: A Theoretical Perspective (PowerPoint)
Dr. Raymond Critch  | 8 pages
Dr. Raymond Critch  8 pages
  882  The Inherently “Private” Quality of Protected Interests in Tort Law
Russell Brown  | 35 pages
Russell Brown  35 pages
  883 Highlights of Recent Privacy Breach Litigation
Dr. Alex Cameron  | 1 pages
Dr. Alex Cameron  1 pages
  884  Privacy in Quebec Civil Law (PowerPoint)
Pierre Trudel  | 20 pages
Pierre Trudel  20 pages
  885  Le droit à la vie privée en droit civil québécois
Pierre Trudel  | 62 pages
Pierre Trudel  62 pages
  886  Where Big Data Meets Law (PowerPoint)
Patricia Kosseim  | 7 pages
Patricia Kosseim  7 pages
  887  Where Big Data Meets Law
Patricia Kosseim  | 5 pages
Patricia Kosseim  5 pages
  888  The Real Impact of The E-Health Act
Michael Vonn  | 0 pages
Michael Vonn  0 pages
  889  The Future of Privacy: The Conflict with Free Expression
Dr. Chris Hunt  | 18 pages
Dr. Chris Hunt  18 pages
  890  The Future of Privacy: Personal Information Protection Online
Dr. Avner Levine  | 30 pages
Dr. Avner Levine  30 pages

2012 | The Courts and Beyond: The Architecture of Justice in Transition

Conference Title: The Courts and Beyond: The Architecture of Justice in Transition
Date: October 10-12, 2012
Co-Chairs: Mr. Greg Harding, Q.C., The Honourable Justice Sheilah Martin, Mr. Alastair Lucas, Q.C., Ms. Gillian Marriott, Q.C.
Location: Calgary, AB

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  819A The Courts and Beyond: The Architecture of Justice in Transition - Introduction
Trevor C. W. Farrow | 4 pages
Trevor C. W. Farrow 4 pages
  820 Judicial Appointments Process in England and Wales
Usha Prashar | 16 pages
Usha Prashar 16 pages
  821 L'Indépendance judiciaire et le processus de nomination des juges
Michel Bastarache | 6 pages
Michel Bastarache 6 pages
  822 Appointments and Administrative Justice (PowerPoint)
Lorne Sossin | 12 pages
Lorne Sossin 12 pages
  823 La nouvelle fonction des tribunaux judiciaires dans les systèmes juridiques modernes
Martine Valois | 18 pages
Martine Valois 18 pages
  823A (PowerPoint)
Martine Valois | 9 pages
Martine Valois 9 pages
  824 Roles and Responsibilities: For Whom? By Whom? The Irish Experience
David Smith | 8 pages
David Smith 8 pages
  825 Models of Court Administration: Administering Courts in the Interests of Justice
Gerald Tegart, Jeffrey Crawford | 12 pages
Gerald Tegart, Jeffrey Crawford 12 pages
  826 Reform in Administration of the Courts
Malcolm Heins | 8 pages
Malcolm Heins 8 pages
  827 Our Court Houses - For Whom and By Whom?
Geeta Narang | 14 pages
Geeta Narang 14 pages
  828 Use and Occupancy: Building Codes and Maintenance Manuals in the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
John D. Rooke | 22 pages
John D. Rooke 22 pages
  829 Rules? Where We're Going We Don't Need Rules
P. Jonathan Faulds | 16 pages
P. Jonathan Faulds 16 pages
  830 Use and Occupancy: Building Codes and Maintenance Manuals: Can Court Rules Increase Access to Justice
Melina Buckley | 14 pages
Melina Buckley 14 pages
  830A Tweeting for Justice: How Should We Cover Courts in the 21st Century
Paula Simons | 10 pages
Paula Simons 10 pages
  831 The Tribunal Administrative du Quebec: Product of the Reform of the Quebec Administrative Justice System
Hélène de Kovachich | 22 pages
Hélène de Kovachich 22 pages
  831A Le Tribunal Administrative du Québec : produit de la réforme de la justice administrative québécoise
Hélène de Kovachich | 24 pages
Hélène de Kovachich 24 pages
  832 Clustering in Ontario: The DIY Tribunal
Michael Gottheil | 22 pages
Michael Gottheil 22 pages
  833 Trial & Error in Criminal Justice Reform: Learning from Failure (PowerPoint)
Aubrey Fox | 10 pages
Aubrey Fox 10 pages
  834 Planning and Design: Renovate/Innovate (PowerPoint)
Kurt Sandstrom | 8 pages
Kurt Sandstrom 8 pages
  835 La médiation judiciaire
Julie Dutil | 10 pages
Julie Dutil 10 pages
  836 Managing Litigation Through Dispute Resolution (PowerPoint)
David Gould | 11 pages
David Gould 11 pages
  837 The Use of Electronic Signatures in Courts and Beyond: Some Questions
Gregory Hagen | 26 pages
Gregory Hagen 26 pages
  838 The Civil Resolution Tribunal (PowerPoint)
Darin Thompson | 16 pages
Darin Thompson 16 pages
  839 Civil Resolution Tribunal Act
Darin Thompson | 2 pages
Darin Thompson 2 pages
  840 Dispute Resolution Model For the Proposed Civil Resolution Tribunal
Darin Thompson | 4 pages
Darin Thompson 4 pages
  841 Online Civil Dispute Tools to Save Time, Money
Darin Thompson | 3 pages
Darin Thompson 3 pages

2011 | Terrorism, Law and Democracy: 10 years after 9/11

Conference Title: Terrorism, Law and Democracy: 10 years after 9/11
Date: October 12-14, 2011
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Richard Mosley, The Honourable Judge Dominique Larochelle, Mr. Bernard Grenier
Location: Montreal, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  801 Stuck at the Border: Ten Years After 9/11
Audrey Macklin | 29 pages
Audrey Macklin 29 pages
  802 Counter-Terrorism and the Canadian Forces (PowerPoint)
Christian Rousseau | 10 pages
Christian Rousseau 10 pages
  803 Lutte contre le terrorisme et Forces canadiennes (PowerPoint)
Christian Rousseau | 10 pages
Christian Rousseau 10 pages
  804 Between The Political and The Judicial – EU Measures on the Financing of Terrorism
Jean Monnet ad personam Elspeth Guild | 18 pages
Jean Monnet ad personam Elspeth Guild 18 pages
  805 Réflexions sur divers mécanismes administratifs et usage de renseignements secrets : un processus adversaire à géométrie variable
François Dadour | 41 pages
François Dadour 41 pages
  808 National Journal of Constitutional Law, December, 2010 Article *61 Comparative Constitutional Law and the "Judicial Role in Times of Terror"
Karen Eltis | 40 pages
Karen Eltis 40 pages
  809 Comparative Counter-Terrorism (PowerPoint)
Kent Roach | 15 pages
Kent Roach 15 pages
  810 Canadian Counter-Terrorism in and outside the ATA and in Comparative Perspective
Kent Roach | 16 pages
Kent Roach 16 pages
  811 An Evaluation of the Special Advocates Program in Canada
Lorne Waldman | 17 pages
Lorne Waldman 17 pages
  812 Recent Trends in Global neo-Jihadi Terrorism in the West and the Turn to Political Violence
Marc Sageman | 21 pages
Marc Sageman 21 pages
  813 Global neo-Jihadi Terrorism in the West & the Turn to Political Violence (PowerPoint)
Marc Sageman | 13 pages
Marc Sageman 13 pages
  814 Procedure and Accountability in Anti-Terrorism Matters: Due Process and the Adjudication of Terrorism Cases/Procédure et Imputabilité dans le contexte de la lutte contre le terrorisme (Commentary - Commentaire)
Nathalie Des Rosiers | 13 pages
Nathalie Des Rosiers 13 pages
  815 Symbiosis or Vassalage? National Security Investigations and the Impediments to Success
Philip Wright | 28 pages
Philip Wright 28 pages
  816 Symbiosis or Vassalage? National Security Investigations and Impediments to Success (PowerPoint)
Philip Wright | 9 pages
Philip Wright 9 pages
  817 A Tale of Two Brothers: The Impact of the Khadr Cases on Canadian Anti-Terrorism Law
Robert J. Currie | 47 pages
Robert J. Currie 47 pages
  818 The Sentencing of Terrorism Offences After 9/11: A Comparative Review of Early Case Law
Robert Diab | 27 pages
Robert Diab 27 pages
  819 La justice face au conséquences du 11 septembre - Entre la sécurité nationale et Wikileaks
Jocelyn Coulon | 7 pages
Jocelyn Coulon 7 pages

2010 | Sentencing and Corrections: Sentencing Theory Meets Practice

Conference Title: Sentencing and Corrections: Sentencing Theory Meets Practice
Date: October 14-15, 2010
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Lance S.G. Finch, The Honourable Justice Elizabeth Bennett, Professor Anthony Doob, Mr. E. David Crossin, Q.C.
Location: Vancouver, BC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  785 To What Extent do Changes in Rates of Imprisonment Influence the Incidence of Offending?
William Young | 40 pages
William Young 40 pages
  786 Looking Beneath the Surface: An Overview of the Sentencing Environment in Canada (PowerPoint)
Cheryl Webster | 9 pages
Cheryl Webster 9 pages
  786A Introduction - Purpose and Principles of Sentencing
Thomas Crabtree | 2 pages
Thomas Crabtree 2 pages
  787 History and Philosophy of Punishment (PowerPoint)
Elizabeth Bennett | 4 pages
Elizabeth Bennett 4 pages
  788 The Purpose and Principles of Sentencing: Have We Learned Anything in the Past 25 Years? (PowerPoint)
Anthony Doob | 6 pages
Anthony Doob 6 pages
  789 Détermination et exécution des peines: La pénologie mise en pratique - Direction des poursuites criminelles et pénales (PowerPoint)
Thierry Nadon | 6 pages
Thierry Nadon 6 pages
  790 Sentencing and Corrections: Sentencing Theory Meets Practice - Direction des poursuites criminelles et pénales (PowerPoint)
Thierry Nadon | 6 pages
Thierry Nadon 6 pages
  790A La pénologie en pratique
Thierry Nadon | 6 pages
Thierry Nadon 6 pages
  791 Purpose and Principles of Sentencing and the Recent History of Sentencing Reform in Canada - (Are We Going Madly Off in All Directions or Is It Just Me?) (PowerPoint)
Greg Fitch | 2 pages
Greg Fitch 2 pages
  791A Purpose and Principles of Sentencing
Greg Fitch | 12 pages
Greg Fitch 12 pages
  792 Luncheon Speech (PowerPoint)
Sue O'Sullivan | 2 pages
Sue O'Sullivan 2 pages
  793 Sentencing in England and Wales: Winds of Change (PowerPoint)
Julian Roberts | 5 pages
Julian Roberts 5 pages
  795 The News Media’s Influence on Criminal Justice Policy: How Market-Driven News Promotes Punitivenes
Sara Sun Beale | 88 pages
Sara Sun Beale 88 pages
  796 Market-Driven News Media and Crime Policy (PowerPoint)
Sara Sun Beale | 8 pages
Sara Sun Beale 8 pages
  797 The Integration of Sentencing Principles and Release Mechanisms (PowerPoint)
Allan Manson | 9 pages
Allan Manson 9 pages
  797A The Integration of Sentencing Principles and Release Mechanisms
Allan Manson | 18 pages
Allan Manson 18 pages
  798 Barriers to Release (English Version)
Howard Sapers | 2 pages
Howard Sapers 2 pages
  799 Détermination de peine et Services correctionnels : la théorie à l’aune de la pratique
Howard Sapers | 2 pages
Howard Sapers 2 pages
  799A  Barriers to Conditional Release
Howard Sapers | 8 pages
Howard Sapers 8 pages
  800 Contre la contre-réforme en matière punitive OU comment se rendre du point A au point B en matière de réforme de la pénologie Canadienne (PowerPoint)
Hélène Dumont | 4 pages
Hélène Dumont 4 pages
  800A Contrer la contre-réforme en matière punitive : comment s'y prendre et comment repenser la réforme de la pénologie canadienne
Hélène Dumont | 70 pages
Hélène Dumont 70 pages

2009 | Taking Remedies Seriously

Conference Title: Taking Remedies Seriously
Date: September 30 – October 2, 2009
Co-Chairs: Ms. Janice Payne, Professor Kent Roach, The Honourable Justice Robert Sharpe
Location: Ottawa, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  755 Rights And Remedies: A Complex Relationship
Stephen A. Smith | 32 pages
Stephen A. Smith 32 pages
  756 The Relationship between Rights and Remedies in Private Law: A Comparison between the Common and the Civil Law Tradition
Helge Dedek | 22 pages
Helge Dedek 22 pages
  757 Private Law and the Remedial Imagination - The Relationship between Rights and Remedies (PowerPoint)
Helge Dedek | 4 pages
Helge Dedek 4 pages
  758 Discriminatory Impact of Application of Restitutio in Integrum in Personal Injury Claims
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey | 48 pages
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey 48 pages
  759 Discriminatory Impact of Application of Restitutio in Integrum in Personal Injury Claims (PowerPoint)
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey | 4 pages
Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey 4 pages
  760 Taking Specific Performance Seriously: Trumping Damages as the Presumptive Remedy for Breach of Contract
Rosalie Jukier | 34 pages
Rosalie Jukier 34 pages
  761 Taking Specific Performance Seriously  Trumping Damages as the Presumptive Remedy for Breach of Contract (PowerPoint)
Rosalie Jukier | 3 pages
Rosalie Jukier 3 pages
  762 Rethinking Damages for Personal Injury: Is it too late to take the facts seriously?
Jeff Berryman | 36 pages
Jeff Berryman 36 pages
  763 Rethinking Damages for Personal Injury:  Is it too late to take the facts seriously? (PowerPoint)
Jeff Berryman | 6 pages
Jeff Berryman 6 pages
  764 Damages Measured by the Benefit to the Defendant
Gordon Cameron | 18 pages
Gordon Cameron 18 pages
  765 Developments in Foreseeability and Remoteness: The Limits of Contract Damages
Stephen Waddams | 8 pages
Stephen Waddams 8 pages
  766 Taking Remedies Seriously: Introduction
Kent Roach, Robert J. Sharpe | 0 pages
Kent Roach, Robert J. Sharpe 0 pages
  767 Section 15 Remedies for Systemic Inequality:  You Can’t Get There From Here, Supreme Court Law Review (2006), 33 S.C.L.R. (2d)
Mary Eberts | 24 pages
Mary Eberts 24 pages
  768 Charter Remedies for Socio-economic Rights Violations: Sleeping Under a Box?
Martha Jackman | 24 pages
Martha Jackman 24 pages
  769 Les réparations pour violation des droits des peuples autochtones: leçons de la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme
Ghislain Otis | 24 pages
Ghislain Otis 24 pages
  770 Strip Searches and Silos:  Adopting a Holistic Approach to Charter Remedies
Gary S. Gildin | 26 pages
Gary S. Gildin 26 pages
  771 Strip Searches and Silos (PowerPoint)
Gary S. Gildin | 2 pages
Gary S. Gildin 2 pages
  772 Doucet-Boudreau, Dialogue and Judicial Activism: Tempest in a Teapot?
Paul S. Rouleau, Linsey Sherman | 44 pages
Paul S. Rouleau, Linsey Sherman 44 pages
  773 Citation of Authorities
Joel Fichaud | 2 pages
Joel Fichaud 2 pages
  774 Damages as a Remedy Against Administrative Authorities: An Area Needing Clarification
David Stratas | 24 pages
David Stratas 24 pages
  775 The Discretionary Nature of Judicial Review
David Mullan | 30 pages
David Mullan 30 pages
  776 Evaluating the Impact of Remedial Authority:  Adjudicative Tribunals in the Health Sector
Lorne Sossin, Steven J. Hoffman | 28 pages
Lorne Sossin, Steven J. Hoffman 28 pages
  777 Evaluating Remedial Performance (PowerPoint)
Lorne Sossin | 2 pages
Lorne Sossin 2 pages
  778 Remedies in the Human Rights Context
Heather MacNaughton, Jessica Connell | 48 pages
Heather MacNaughton, Jessica Connell 48 pages
  779 Commentaire d’arrêt : Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority c. Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants – Section Colombie-Britannique
France Houle | 24 pages
France Houle 24 pages
  780 Remedies Available to Administrative Agencies (PowerPoint)
France Houle | 5 pages
France Houle 5 pages
  781 Reflections of a Supervisory Order Sceptic: Ten Years after Doucet-Boudreau
Janet E. Minor, James S.F. Wilson | 20 pages
Janet E. Minor, James S.F. Wilson 20 pages
  782 Rights and Remedies - Remarks
Beverley McLachlin | 10 pages
Beverley McLachlin 10 pages
  783 Celebrating the CIAJ
Thomas A. Cromwell | 3 pages
Thomas A. Cromwell 3 pages
  784 Remedies for Discriminatory Profiling
Kent Roach | 28 pages
Kent Roach 28 pages

2008 | Reasonable Accommodation and the Role of the State: A Democratic Challenge

Conference Title: Reasonable Accommodation and the Role of the State: A Democratic Challenge
Date: September 25-26, 2008
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Michèle Rivet, Vice Dean Christian Brunelle, Mr. Jocelyn Rancourt
Location: Quebec City, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  735 La contribution du très honorable Antonio Lamer à l'évolution du droit à l'égalité : une pensée visionnaire
Michèle Rivet, Manon Montpetit | 48 pages
Michèle Rivet, Manon Montpetit 48 pages
  736 Development of Charter Equality Rights: The Contribution of the Right Honourable Antonio Lamer
Lynn Smith | 31 pages
Lynn Smith 31 pages
  737 Les processus d’accommodement religieux et autochtone dans les institutions publiques canadiennes : quelques comparaisons
David Robitaille, Sébastien Grammond | 49 pages
David Robitaille, Sébastien Grammond 49 pages
  738 The Courts’ Spectacles:  Some Reflections on the Relationship Between Law and Religion in Charter Analysis
David M. Brown | 22 pages
David M. Brown 22 pages
  739 Being Reasonable About Reasonable Accommodation of Minority Religious Practices and Symbols; A Global Challenge in an Era of Diversity
Errol P. Mendes | 29 pages
Errol P. Mendes 29 pages
  740 Police and the Duty of Reasonable Accommodation
Alok Mukherjee | 15 pages
Alok Mukherjee 15 pages
  741 Reasonable Accommodation and Role of the Office of the Correctional Investigator (PowerPoint)
Howard Sapers | 6 pages
Howard Sapers 6 pages
  742 Accommodements raisonnables et rôle du Bureau de l’enquêteur correctionnel (PowerPoint)
Howard Sapers | 6 pages
Howard Sapers 6 pages
  743 Universal Design in Legislative Drafting – How to Ensure Legislation is Barrier-Free for People with Disabilities
David Lepofsky, Randal N. M. Graham | 48 pages
David Lepofsky, Randal N. M. Graham 48 pages
  744 The Duty to Accommodate: A Purposive Approach
David Lepofsky | 21 pages
David Lepofsky 21 pages
  745 La défense de contrainte excessive est-elle possible pour les employeurs du secteur public ?
Anne-Marie Laflamme | 36 pages
Anne-Marie Laflamme 36 pages
  746 Le rôle du syndicat dans la mise en oeuvre de l’obligation d’accommodement
Anne Pineau | 35 pages
Anne Pineau 35 pages
  747 Disability and the Implementation of the Accommodation Duty in the Canadian Workplace by Labour Arbitrators*This paper is an edited, revised and updated version of an article published earlier this year:  “Disability and Work:  the Transformation of the Legal Status of Employees with Disabilities in Canada,” in R. Echlin & C. Paliare (eds.), Law Society of Upper Canada Special Lectures 2007:  Employment Law (Toronto:  Irwin Law, 2008).
Michael Lynk | 29 pages
Michael Lynk 29 pages
  748 Obligation d’accommodement et services scolaires publics au Québec
Bergman Fleury | 23 pages
Bergman Fleury 23 pages
  749 Comité consultatif sur l’intégration et l’accommodement raisonnable en milieu scolaire
Bergman Fleury | 127 pages
Bergman Fleury 127 pages
  750 Advisory Committee on Integration and Reasonable Accommodation in the Schools
Bergman Fleury | 140 pages
Bergman Fleury 140 pages
  751 Accommodements raisonnables et gouvernance : le rôle du juge, au-delà de l’interprétation et de la création du droit à l’égalité
Stéphane Bernatchez | 30 pages
Stéphane Bernatchez 30 pages
  752 Achieving Reasonable Accommodation through Constitutional Remedies
Jennifer Koshan | 26 pages
Jennifer Koshan 26 pages
  753 Putting Reasonable Accommodation in Historical Perspective
Ian Binnie | 15 pages
Ian Binnie 15 pages
  754 Le rôle du législateur : la loi peut-elle encore être limitée aux seules normes d’application générale et impersonnelle? - Notes d’allocution
Martin Cauchon | 7 pages
Martin Cauchon 7 pages
  754A L'objection de conscience: fondement et limite
Henri Brun | 5 pages
Henri Brun 5 pages
  754B Religious Fundamentalism and Freedom:  Conflict or Common Cause
Sheila Greckol | 30 pages
Sheila Greckol 30 pages
  754C L'obligation d'accommodement dans le milieu de la santé et des services sociaux: moins d'accommodement et plus de personnalisation
Delphine Roigt | 16 pages
Delphine Roigt 16 pages
  754D Postface - Une photo vaut-elle mille...maux?
Christian Brunelle | 9 pages
Christian Brunelle 9 pages

2007 | Doing Justice: Dispute Resolution in the Courts and Beyond

Conference Title: Doing Justice: Dispute Resolution in the Courts and Beyond
Date: October 10-12, 2007
Co-Chairs: Mr. John Mark Keyes, The Honourable Justice Joel Fichaud, Professor Ronalda Murphy, Mr. Ron Pink, Q.C.
Location: Halifax, NS

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  716 Why do Public Inquiries Work?
Dennis R. O'Connor, Freya Kristjanson | 15 pages
Dennis R. O'Connor, Freya Kristjanson 15 pages
  717 Introduction to Panel on Judicial Models
Joanne Spriet | 1 pages
Joanne Spriet 1 pages
  718 Judicial Models: Can we do better? Proposed Reforms to Civil Procedure in British Columbia
Allan Seckel | 17 pages
Allan Seckel 17 pages
  719 Le modèle judiciaire: Pouvons-nous faire mieux?
François Rolland | 9 pages
François Rolland 9 pages
  720 The Role of Mediation in Human Rights Disputes
Heather M. MacNaughton | 38 pages
Heather M. MacNaughton 38 pages
  721 New Models in Administrative Hearings: The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Kaye Joachim | 22 pages
Kaye Joachim 22 pages
  722 Progress in Models of Justice: From Adjudication/Arbitration through Mediation to Restorative Conferencing (and Back)
Bruce P. Archibald | 28 pages
Bruce P. Archibald 28 pages
  723 The Privatization of Justice: Where are we going?
George W. Adams | 10 pages
George W. Adams 10 pages
  724 Mental Health Courts: Can They Break the Cycle?
Richard D. Schneider | 12 pages
Richard D. Schneider 12 pages
  725 Were Muslim Barbarians Really Knocking on the Gates of Ontario? The Religious Arbitration Controversy - Another Perspective
Natasha Bakht | 19 pages
Natasha Bakht 19 pages
  726 On Private Choices and Public Justice: Some Microscopic and Macroscopic Reflections on the State’s Role in Addressing Faith-Based Arbitration
Jean-François Gaudreault-Desbiens | 39 pages
Jean-François Gaudreault-Desbiens 39 pages
  727A Faith-Based Dispute Resolution
Julie Macfarlane | 12 pages
Julie Macfarlane 12 pages
  727B Making Mediation Effective: Models for Best Practice
Julie Macfarlane | 17 pages
Julie Macfarlane 17 pages
  728 Public Justice, Private Dispute Resolution and Democracy
Trevor C. Farrow | 58 pages
Trevor C. Farrow 58 pages
  729 Would Aristotle Have Owned an iPod?
Jamie Campbell | 8 pages
Jamie Campbell 8 pages
  730 Doing Justice: New Directions in Restorative Justice
Jennifer J. Llewellyn | 16 pages
Jennifer J. Llewellyn 16 pages
  730A Justice for Aboriginal Communities: Sharing the Ways
Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond | 16 pages
Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond 16 pages
  732 PowerPoint - Vers une méthode d'appréciation des risques juridiques pour les projets de cyberjustice
Karim Benyekhlef | 4 pages
Karim Benyekhlef 4 pages
  733 PowerPoint - Towards a Methodology for Assessing the Legal Risks Associated with Cyberjustice
Karim Benyekhlef | 4 pages
Karim Benyekhlef 4 pages
  734 PowerPoint - Dispute Resolution in the Courts and Beyond: What are we Learning About Mediation?
Julie Macfarlane | 3 pages
Julie Macfarlane 3 pages

2006 | Sustainable Development and the Law: People – Environment – Culture

Conference Title: Sustainable Development and the Law : People – Environment - Culture
Date: October 11-13, 2006
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Bruce Cohen, The Honourable Judge Thérèse Alexander, Professor Shi-Ling Hsu
Location: Vancouver, BC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  699 The Olympic Games, The Law and the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability
Richard Pound, Ken Bagshaw, Linda Coady, Joseph Weiler, Margaret Dickson, Arun Mohan | 84 pages
Richard Pound, Ken Bagshaw, Linda Coady, Joseph Weiler, Margaret Dickson, Arun Mohan 84 pages
  700 The Collaborative Tales: Exploring the Role of Public Engagement in Achieving Sustainable Development within the Olympic Movement
Joseph Weiler, Arun Mohan | 54 pages
Joseph Weiler, Arun Mohan 54 pages
  701 The Climate Implications of Canada's Oil Sands Development
Matthew Bramley, Derek Neabel, Dan Woynillowicz, The Pembina Institute | N/A pages
Matthew Bramley, Derek Neabel, Dan Woynillowicz, The Pembina Institute N/A pages
  702 Sustainability in the Energy Sector: Dealing with Greenhouse Gas Emissions- PowerPoint
Rick Hyndman | 2 pages
Rick Hyndman 2 pages
  703 Développement durable et ressources énergétiques
Michel Yergeau | 19 pages
Michel Yergeau 19 pages
  704 Sustainable Development and Energy Resources
Michel Yergeau | 17 pages
Michel Yergeau 17 pages
  705 Sustainability in the Mining and Forest Sectors - A NAFTA Perspective
Jon R. Johnson | 18 pages
Jon R. Johnson 18 pages
  705 A Sustainability in the Mining and Forest Sectors - A NAFTA Perspective - PowerPoint
Jon R. Johnson | 3 pages
Jon R. Johnson 3 pages
  706 Sustainability and the Forest Sector - A Values-Based Objective - PowerPoint
Avrim Lazar | 5 pages
Avrim Lazar 5 pages
  707 Mining and Sustainability - PowerPointMining and Sustainability - PowerPoint
Michael R. McPhie | 3 pages
Michael R. McPhie 3 pages
  708 Sustainability and International Trade - PowerPoint
Valerie Hughes | N/A pages
Valerie Hughes N/A pages
  709 Sustainable Development as Freedom: Globalization and Rights-Based Approaches to Environmental Governance in China
Kishan Khoday | 32 pages
Kishan Khoday 32 pages
  710 Sustainable Development and Investment Treaty Law
Andrew Newcombe | 71 pages
Andrew Newcombe 71 pages
  711 Courts and Tribunals Through a Sustainability Lens: New Questions and New Expectations
S. Glenn Sigurdson | 13 pages
S. Glenn Sigurdson 13 pages
  712 Sustainable Development - Local Government Powers
Donald Lidstone | 21 pages
Donald Lidstone 21 pages
  713 Sustainability, Globalization, and the Rule of Law - U.B.C Law Review (2007) 40 U.B.C.L. Rev. 251 (see
John A. Fraser | N/A pages
John A. Fraser N/A pages
  714 Sustainable Development in World Trade Law: New Instruments
Markus W. Gehring | 29 pages
Markus W. Gehring 29 pages
  715 Conflict Resolution and Sustainability Disputes: Authority and Consensus in the Shadow of Law
Fabien Gélinas | 16 pages
Fabien Gélinas 16 pages

2005 | Technology Privacy and Justice

Conference Title: Technology, Privacy and Justice
Date: September 28-30, 2005
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Frances P. Kiteley, Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, Professor Lisa Austin, The Honourable Justice Joseph F. Kenkel, Mr. Gavin Mackenzie
Location: Toronto, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  687 Information Technologies and Globalization
R. Roy McMurtry | 10 pages
R. Roy McMurtry 10 pages
  688 Pole Star: Human Rights in the Information Society
Deborah Hurley | N/A pages
Deborah Hurley N/A pages
  689 L'étoile polaire : les droits humains dans la société de l'information
Deborah Hurley | N/A pages
Deborah Hurley N/A pages
  690 État de droit et effectivité de la protection de la vie privée dans les réseaux du e-gouvernement
Pierre Trudel | 38 pages
Pierre Trudel 38 pages
  691 Rule of Law and the Effectiveness of Privacy Protection in E-Government Networks
Pierre Trudel | 33 pages
Pierre Trudel 33 pages
  692 Information Technology, National Security & Privacy Protection
David Loukidelis | 26 pages
David Loukidelis 26 pages
  693 Privacy Enters the Canadian Courtroom - The Privacy Rights of Litigants and Witnesses
Simon Chester | 26 pages
Simon Chester 26 pages
  694 Protecting the Social Value of Privacy in the Context of Police Investigations Using New Technologies
Arthur J. Cockfield | 26 pages
Arthur J. Cockfield 26 pages
  695 Model Policy for Access to Court Records in Canada
Frédéric Pelletier (Prepared by the Judges Technology Advisory Committee) | 44 pages
Frédéric Pelletier (Prepared by the Judges Technology Advisory Committee) 44 pages
  696 Guidelines for the Discovery of Electronic Documents in Ontario
Colin L. Campbell | 29 pages
Colin L. Campbell 29 pages
  696B Synthesis of the Comments on JTAC's Discussion Paper on Open Courts, Electronic Access to Court Records, and Privacy
Lisa M. Austin, Frédéric Pelletier | 45 pages
Lisa M. Austin, Frédéric Pelletier 45 pages
  697 Changing Patterns - Supplementary Approaches to Improving Data Protection
Hebert Burkert | 16 pages
Hebert Burkert 16 pages
  698 Reflections on Public Interests and Private Rights: Conflict or Convergence?
William Pentney | 15 pages
William Pentney 15 pages

2004 | Governance of Public Institutions, Professions, Corporations, Tribunals and Courts: Ethics, Responsibility and Independence

Conference Title: Governance of Public Institutions, Professions, Corporations, Tribunals and Courts: Ethics, Responsibility and Independence
Date: October 14-16, 2004
Co-Chairs: Mr. Pierre Cimon, Q.C., The Honourable Justice Michèle Lacroix, Professor Denis Lemieux
Location: La Malbaie, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  675 La gouvernance des entreprises publiques et para-publiques 
Guy Breton | 7 pages
Guy Breton 7 pages
  676 Les vérificateurs après la tempête financière : un regard particulier sur un nouveau régime de responsabilité civile destiné aux investisseurs du marché secondaire des valeurs mobilières
Raymonde Crête, Patrick McSweeney | 74 pages
Raymonde Crête, Patrick McSweeney 74 pages
  677 Judicial Regulation of the Legal Profession in the United States
Mark I. Harrison | 10 pages
Mark I. Harrison 10 pages
  678 La responsabilité pénale des organisations
Jean-C. Hébert | 12 pages
Jean-C. Hébert 12 pages
  679 Accountability of Administrative Tribunals: Does the Present Design Ensure Independence?
T. Murray Rankin | 21 pages
T. Murray Rankin 21 pages
  680 Progress Report on Corporate Governance Initiatives
Susan Wolburgh Jenah | 9 pages
Susan Wolburgh Jenah 9 pages
  681 Allocution
J. J. Michel Robert | 5 pages
J. J. Michel Robert 5 pages
  682 Public Sector Governance and Accountability - Key Elements to Earn the Public Trust
Erik Peters | 6 pages
Erik Peters 6 pages
  683 L'autonomie administrative des tribunaux
Robert Pidgeon | 12 pages
Robert Pidgeon 12 pages
  684 Modernizing Models of Court Administration: A Time for Change
Catherine Fraser | 12 pages
Catherine Fraser 12 pages
  685 Dual Class Share Structures and Minority Shareholder Recourse in Canada
Stephanie Ben-Ishai | 10 pages
Stephanie Ben-Ishai 10 pages
  686 The Governance of Professions
David Smith | 8 pages
David Smith 8 pages
  686B Les enjeux juridiques et éthiques de la gouvernance, des institutions publiques, des entreprises, des professions et des tribunaux
Charles D. Gonthier | 9 pages
Charles D. Gonthier 9 pages

2003 | Participatory Justice in a Global Economy: The New Rule of Law

Conference Title: Participatory Justice in a Global Economy: The New Rule of Law
Date: October 16-18, 2003
Co-Chairs: Dean Patricia Hughes, The Honourable Justice Rosemary Nation, Mr. Michael I. Wylie
Location: Banff, AB

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  659 Some Legal Badges of Economic Globalization from Rome to the WTO and Regional Trade Agreements
William A. W. Neilson | 26 pages
William A. W. Neilson 26 pages
  660 The Rule of Law: Challenges in a Global Economy
Patricia Hughes | 34 pages
Patricia Hughes 34 pages
  661 La Cour pénale internationale (CPI) : les fondations fragiles d'un droit universel et d'un forum commun supranational en matière de crimes internationaux
Hélène Dumont, Martin Gallié | 36 pages
Hélène Dumont, Martin Gallié 36 pages
  662 The Impact of International Commercial Arbitration on Canadian Law and Courts
Jonnette Watson Hamilton | 47 pages
Jonnette Watson Hamilton 47 pages
  663 La réception du droit international des droits de la personne en droit interne canadien : de la théorie de la séparation des pouvoirs vers une approche fondée sur les droits fondamentaux
France Houle | 31 pages
France Houle 31 pages
  664 Citizen Participation and Peaceful Protest: Let's Not Forget APEC 
Trevor C. W. Farrow | 27 pages
Trevor C. W. Farrow 27 pages
  665 Dialogue or Conversation? The Impact of Public Interest Interveners on Judicial Decision Making
Jennifer Koshan | 40 pages
Jennifer Koshan 40 pages
  666 Les juges canadiens en Serbie : la remise en question des certitudes
Michèle Rivet | 49 pages
Michèle Rivet 49 pages
  667 Problems for a Judge in a Country in Transition
Radmila Dragicevic Dicic | 7 pages
Radmila Dragicevic Dicic 7 pages
  668 Corporate Social Responsibility in the Global Economy: Canadian Domestic Law and Legal Processes as a Vehicle for Creating and Enforcing International Norms
Janis Sarra | 53 pages
Janis Sarra 53 pages
  669 L'impact du droit international sur l'évolution du droit canadien du travail
Gilles Trudeau | 30 pages
Gilles Trudeau 30 pages
  670 Cross-Border InsolvenciesChallenges of Litigation in a Global Economy
James M. Farley | 18 pages
James M. Farley 18 pages
  671 British Columbia Tobacco Litigation and the Rule of Law
D. Ross Clark, Cindy A. Millar | 18 pages
D. Ross Clark, Cindy A. Millar 18 pages
  672 Conflicts, Choice of Forum, Coordination and Other Issues
C. Adèle Kent, Catrin A. Coe | 46 pages
C. Adèle Kent, Catrin A. Coe 46 pages
  673 Canadian Constitutionalism, the Rule of Law, and Economic Globalization
David Schneiderman | 20 pages
David Schneiderman 20 pages
  674 British Columbia's Tobacco Litigation and the Rule of Law
Robin M. Elliot | 13 pages
Robin M. Elliot 13 pages

2002 | Dialogues about Justice: The Public, Legislators, Courts and the Media

Conference Title: Dialogues about Justice: The Public, Legislators, Courts and the Media
Date: October 17-19, 2002
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice James B. Chadwick, Professor Nathalie Des Rosiers, Dean Bruce Feldthusen, Professor Ruth Sullivan
Location: Hull, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  622 Computer and E-Mail Workplace Surveillance in Canada: The Shift from Reasonable Expectation of Privacy to Reasonable Surveillance
Michael Geist | N/A pages
Michael Geist N/A pages
  623 Listening to the Dialogue: An Examination of the Degree of Public and Media Attention Provided to the Legislative Responses to Court Decisions Involving Equality Rights and Sexual Orientation
Barbara Billingsley | 34 pages
Barbara Billingsley 34 pages
  624 Talking with the Public: The Public, Communication and the Civil Justice System
Diana Lowe and Mary Stratton | 22 pages
Diana Lowe and Mary Stratton 22 pages
  625 La métaphore du dialogue en droit constitutionnel canadien : un concept qui dessert les intérêts du citoyen ?
Jean Leclair | 16 pages
Jean Leclair 16 pages
  626 L'impact de la charte sur le juge administratif - L'éxpérience des membres du Tribunal administratif du Québec
Anne Leydet | 30 pages
Anne Leydet 30 pages
  627 The Impact of the Charter in Administrative Law: Reflections of a Practitioner
Anne M. Wallace | 12 pages
Anne M. Wallace 12 pages
  628 Legitimacy of Judicial Review: The limits of Dialogues Between Court and Legislatures
Luc B. Tremblay | N/A pages
Luc B. Tremblay N/A pages
  629 Les tribunaux, le parlement et les médias au service du public et de la justice
Charles D. Gonthier | 14 pages
Charles D. Gonthier 14 pages
  630 "Judge-Bashing"
Colin D. McKinnon | 6 pages
Colin D. McKinnon 6 pages
  631 Child Pornography and the Media: R. v. Sharpe
Duncan W. Shaw | 14 pages
Duncan W. Shaw 14 pages
  632 The Charter as a Useful Addition to Canadian Law: The View From the Tribunal Perspective
J. Paul Lordon | 12 pages
J. Paul Lordon 12 pages
  633 Legislators, Poor People and the Courts: An Increasingly Urgent Conversation
Vincent Calderhead | 8 pages
Vincent Calderhead 8 pages
  634 Groupes minoritaires et système de justice
Emerson Douyon | 14 pages
Emerson Douyon 14 pages
  635 Canada's Courts Online: Privacy, Public Access and Electronic Court Records
Elizabeth F. Judge | 26 pages
Elizabeth F. Judge 26 pages
  636 Legislation and Court Decisions: Dissonance and Harmony - The Role of the Department of Justice
Angela Arnet Connidis | 14 pages
Angela Arnet Connidis 14 pages
  637 Législation et jurisprudence : Dissonance et harmonie - Le rôle du Ministère de la Justice
Angela Arnet Connidis | 14 pages
Angela Arnet Connidis 14 pages
  637A Defending the "Publicness" of the Justice System
Michael Fitz-James | 66 pages
Michael Fitz-James 66 pages
  637B Libel Chill: Silencing Dissent and Equality - Promoting Speech
Anne S. Derrick, Q.C. | 18 pages
Anne S. Derrick, Q.C. 18 pages
  637C Introduction to "Culture and Identity in the Courtroom"
Patricia Hughes | 4 pages
Patricia Hughes 4 pages
  637D "Reporting Discrimination": Taking Stock of Twenty Years of Inquiries in the Fight Against Racism and Related Forms of Discrimination in Canada, 1980-2000
Jack Jedwab | 14 pages
Jack Jedwab 14 pages
  637E Impact of the Charter on Administrative Law: Same Game - New Rules
John Frecker | 16 pages
John Frecker 16 pages
  637F L'évaluation de la crédibilité des témoinages dans un contexte décisionnel multiculturel : étude sur le traitement symptomatique de certaines preuves par la Section de protection des réfugiés
France Houle | 94 pages
France Houle 94 pages

2001 | Citizenship and Citizen Participation in the Administration of Justice

Conference Title: Citizenship and Citizen Participation in the Administration of Justice
Date: October 10-13, 2001
Co-Chairs: Professor Stephen G. Coughlan, The Honourable Justice F. B. William Kelly, Dean Dawn Russell
Location: Halifax, NS

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  572C Introduction - Keynote Address - Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Closing Address
Stephen G. Coughlan, Dawn A. Russell | 13 pages
Stephen G. Coughlan, Dawn A. Russell 13 pages
  573 Keynote Address
Judy Rebick | 14 pages
Judy Rebick 14 pages
  574 Involving Individual Citizens with Courts and Tribunals: Initiatives in the United States and Canada
Shirley Abrahamson | 9 pages
Shirley Abrahamson 9 pages
  575 Involving Citizens with Courts and Tribunals: Initiatives in Canada
Dennis Orchard | 9 pages
Dennis Orchard 9 pages
  576 Setting the Agenda of Courts and Tribunals Through Funding Decisions
James MacPherson | 7 pages
James MacPherson 7 pages
  577 Funding Public Interest Litigation: Should Judges be Funders?
Arne Peltz | 25 pages
Arne Peltz 25 pages
  578 Citizenship and Citizenship Participation
Yves de Montigny | 17 pages
Yves de Montigny 17 pages
  579 Advancing an Agenda? A Reflection on Recent Developments in Canadian Public Interest Environmental Litigation
Chris Tollefson | 25 pages
Chris Tollefson 25 pages
  580 La réconciliation du citoyen avec le système contradictoire
Arlène Gaudreault | 14 pages
Arlène Gaudreault 14 pages
  581 Citizenship Participation in Canadian Criminal Justice: The Emergence of "Inclusionary Adversarial" and "Restorative" Models
Bruce P. Archibald | 46 pages
Bruce P. Archibald 46 pages
  582 Inquiries and the Goals of Citizens
Dawna J. Ring | 26 pages
Dawna J. Ring 26 pages
  583 The Interplay Between Individual Citizens and the Courts: How Decisions get Played out in the Press
Stephen Bindman | 7 pages
Stephen Bindman 7 pages
  584 Improving Media Coverage of the Courts
Dean Jobb | 6 pages
Dean Jobb 6 pages
  585 La discrétion administrative : une occasion de dialogue entre citoyens et tribunaux?
Geneviève Cartier | 16 pages
Geneviève Cartier 16 pages
  586 Pouvoir judiciaire et opinion publique : réflexions autour d'un malaise
Jacques Frémont | 13 pages
Jacques Frémont 13 pages
  587 Canadians as Citizens of the International Community: Asserting Unimplemented Treaty Rights in the Courts
Hugh Kindred | 25 pages
Hugh Kindred 25 pages
  588 The Uses of Metaphor: International Law and the Supreme Court of Canada
Stephen Toope | 9 pages
Stephen Toope 9 pages
  589 Inside and Out: The Stories of International Law and Domestic Law
Stephen Toope | 17 pages
Stephen Toope 17 pages
  590 The Application of International Human Rights Law By Administrative Decision-Makers
Audrey Macklin | 13 pages
Audrey Macklin 13 pages
  591 New Perspective on International Human Rights Law for Administrative Tribunals
William A. Schabas | 16 pages
William A. Schabas 16 pages
  592 Closing Address
Mark Kingwell | 9 pages
Mark Kingwell 9 pages

2000 | Science, Truth and Justice

Conference Title: Science, Truth and Justice
Date: October 11-14, 2000
Co-Chairs: Dean Joost Blom, The Honourable Justice Robert W. Metzger, The Honourable Justice Gina M. Quijano
Location: Victoria, BC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  559 Keynote Speech - Science and the Legal System: Truth, Justice and Fairness
Richard A. Merrill | 13 pages
Richard A. Merrill 13 pages
  559B Human Reproductive Technology and Law
Patrick H. F. Baillie | 4 pages
Patrick H. F. Baillie 4 pages
  560 Policy Challenges Posed by New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies
Patricia Baird | 15 pages
Patricia Baird 15 pages
  561 Legislative Responses to New Reproductive and Genetic Technologies
Alison Harvison Young | 17 pages
Alison Harvison Young 17 pages
  562 The Regulation of Biotechnology Risk (Or, Why We Need a Gene Law?)
William Leiss | 12 pages
William Leiss 12 pages
  563 Limits to Science for Assessing and Managing Environmental and Health Risks
Steve E. Hrudey | 24 pages
Steve E. Hrudey 24 pages
  564 Reference Document - Draft Convention on Cyber-Crime
Donald Piragoff | N/A pages
Donald Piragoff N/A pages
  565 The Internet and Criminal Law - The Detection and Investigation of Stock Fraud
John Sliter | 14 pages
John Sliter 14 pages
  566 E-Commerce Jurisdiction - The Canadian Approach
Michael A. Geist | 8 pages
Michael A. Geist 8 pages
  567 A Technologically Neutral Solution for the Internet: Is It Wishful Thinking?
Ysolde Gendreau | 19 pages
Ysolde Gendreau 19 pages
  567A Le droit d'auteur à l'ère de l'Internet : de l'importance d'évoluer
Ysolde Gendreau | 10 pages
Ysolde Gendreau 10 pages
  568 Judges as Gatekeepers: The Admissibility of Scientific Evidence Based on Novel Theories
Sidney N. Lederman | 26 pages
Sidney N. Lederman 26 pages
  568A Les juges comme gardiens : admissibilité des preuves scientifiques fondées sur des théories nouvelles
Sidney N. Lederman | 34 pages
Sidney N. Lederman 34 pages
  569 "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics": The use of Statistical Evidence in Criminal and Civil Law
Mary Thomson | 15 pages
Mary Thomson 15 pages
  570 Les normes techno-scientifiques : problèmes de rapports entre le droit et la science
Pierre Mackay | 12 pages
Pierre Mackay 12 pages
  571 The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
Christine Elliott | 14 pages
Christine Elliott 14 pages
  572 Si l'éthique pouvait contribuer à la manifestation de la véritéWhat if Ethics Could Contribute to the Demonstration of Truth
Michel Proulx | 7 pages
Michel Proulx 7 pages
  572A Incertitude et risques : la preuve en matière constitutionnelle
Danielle Pinard | 31 pages
Danielle Pinard 31 pages
  572B Uncertainty and Risks: Evidence in Constitutional Litigation
Danielle Pinard | 29 pages
Danielle Pinard 29 pages

1999 | The Judiciary as Third Branch of Government: Manifestations and Challenges to Legitimacy

Conference Title: The Judiciary as Third Branch of Government: Manifestations and Challenges to Legitimacy
Date: October 13-16, 1999
Co-Chairs: Professor Ghislain Otis, The Honourable Justice Thérèse Rousseau-Houle
Location: Quebec City, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  538 La montée en puissance du juge dans le constitutionnalisme contemporain : un phénomène à l'échelle mondiale
Dominique Rousseau | 10 pages
Dominique Rousseau 10 pages
  539 Judicial Review and Democratic Legitimacy
Paul W. Khan | 17 pages
Paul W. Khan 17 pages
  540 Le juge canadien et le rapport entre la légalité, la constitutionnalité et la légitimité
Yves-Marie Morissette | 40 pages
Yves-Marie Morissette 40 pages
  541 Le juge en tant que tiers impartial
Luc Bégin | 21 pages
Luc Bégin 21 pages
  542 Who Guards the Guardians? Institutional Checks on the Power of Judicial Review: Canada in a Comparative Perspective
F. L. (Ted) Morton | 15 pages
F. L. (Ted) Morton 15 pages
  543 Agent of Reconciliation: The Supreme Court of Canada and Aboriginal Claims
Larry N. Chartrand | 25 pages
Larry N. Chartrand 25 pages
  544 Les gardiens de la paix. La Cour suprême du Canada et le contentieux des droits linguistiques : Montée en puissance des juges, pourquoi ?
Pierre Foucher | 36 pages
Pierre Foucher 36 pages
  545 Le rôle politique de la Cour suprême dans le débat sur le droit de sécession du Québec
Jacques-Yvan Morin | 7 pages
Jacques-Yvan Morin 7 pages
  546 The Public Policy Role of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Secession Reference
Patrick J. Monahan | 41 pages
Patrick J. Monahan 41 pages
  547 The Charter Critics: Strangers in a Strange Land
Lorraine E. Weinrib | 13 pages
Lorraine E. Weinrib 13 pages
  548 Le Tribunal administratif du Québec: émergence d'un nouveau juge administratif?
Gilles Pépin | 59 pages
Gilles Pépin 59 pages
  549 The Role of the Judiciary in the Review of Administrative Policy Decisions: Issues of Legality
David J. Mullan | 66 pages
David J. Mullan 66 pages
  550 La distinction politique-opérationnelle fournit-elle une assise judiciare solide à la responsabilité civile consécutive à une décision de politique administrative?
Jean-Denis Archambault | N/A pages
Jean-Denis Archambault N/A pages
  551 Les tribunaux pénaux internationaux
Anne-Marie La Rosa | N/A pages
Anne-Marie La Rosa N/A pages
  552 La cour pénale internationale : un pas de plus contre l'impunité
William A. Schabas | 28 pages
William A. Schabas 28 pages
  553 The International Criminal Court: An Historic Step to Combat Impunity
William A. Schabas | 24 pages
William A. Schabas 24 pages
  554 Le défi de la magistrature : s'adapter à son nouveau rôle
Claire L'Heureux-Dubé | 15 pages
Claire L'Heureux-Dubé 15 pages
  555 Le contrôle du pouvoir discrétionnaire du procureur général
Michel Proulx | 20 pages
Michel Proulx 20 pages
  556 Activisme ou retenue dans la méthode : démarche en quête de points de repères
Danielle Pinard | 30 pages
Danielle Pinard 30 pages
  557 Controlling the Work of the Police
Alan D. Gold | 9 pages
Alan D. Gold 9 pages
  558 Commentary at the Panel on the Secession Reference
John D. Whyte | 4 pages
John D. Whyte 4 pages

1998 | Justice to Order: Adjustment to Changing Demands and Co-ordination Issues in the Justice System in Canada

Conference Title: Justice to Order: Adjustment to Changing Demands and Co-ordination Issues in the Justice System in Canada
Date: October, 1998
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Nicholas W. Sherstobitoff, The Honourable Justice Gene Anne Smith
Location: Saskatoon, SK

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  484 Conference Co-Chairs' Opening Comments 
Nicholas W. Sherstobitoff, Gene Anne Smith | 3 pages
Nicholas W. Sherstobitoff, Gene Anne Smith 3 pages
  485 Towards Tomorrow's Justice System 
Mary Arden | 16 pages
Mary Arden 16 pages
  486 Administrative Tribunals - Rough Justice or Realistic Justice? 
Beth Bilson | 1 pages
Beth Bilson 1 pages
  487 Are Administrative Tribunals Effective in Delivering Justice? 
J. Paul Lordon | 17 pages
J. Paul Lordon 17 pages
  488 Are Administrative Tribunals Effective in Rendering Justice?
William J. Vancise | 15 pages
William J. Vancise 15 pages
  489 Toward an Administrative Model of Independence and Accountability for Statutory Tribunals
Nathalie Des Rosiers | 15 pages
Nathalie Des Rosiers 15 pages
  490 L'élaboration d'un modèle administratif favorisant l'indépendance des tribunaux statutaires
Nathalie Des Rosiers | 13 pages
Nathalie Des Rosiers 13 pages
  491 The Jurisdiction of Labour Arbitrators: The Debate Continues
Sheila J. Greckol | 40 pages
Sheila J. Greckol 40 pages
  492 Tribunals and Courts - The Contemporary Terrain - Lessons from Human Rights Regimes
David Mullan | 16 pages
David Mullan 16 pages
  493 Principles, Policies and Persuasion 
Richard W. Bauman | 20 pages
Richard W. Bauman 20 pages
  494 Notes for Commentary on the Paper by Professor Richard Bauman
Roger Philip Kerans | 8 pages
Roger Philip Kerans 8 pages
  495 Judges and Public Policy: Issues of Accountability and Judicial Independence
Gerald T. G. Seniuk | 5 pages
Gerald T. G. Seniuk 5 pages
  496 Democracy, Judicial Independence and Accountability
Ian Greene | 18 pages
Ian Greene 18 pages
  497 Guarding the Guardians - Judicial Activism and Accountability in Canada
J. Stuart Langford | 18 pages
J. Stuart Langford 18 pages
  498 Judges as Policy-Makers - A New Role or a New Catch-Phrase?
Richard J. Scott | 13 pages
Richard J. Scott 13 pages
  499 The Practice of ADR as It Has Evolved in Canada
Roger Philip Kerans | 12 pages
Roger Philip Kerans 12 pages
  500 The Intersection and Confluence of the Existing System of Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Patrick T. Galligan | 27 pages
Patrick T. Galligan 27 pages
  501 Les questions de politique publique soulevées par l'émergence des méthodes alternatives de résolution des conflits
J. J. Michel Robert | 8 pages
J. J. Michel Robert 8 pages
  502 ADR and ESOL: Public Policy Issues Respecting the Two Systems of Private Conflict Resolution Systems and Their Regulation
Michele A. Pineau | 13 pages
Michele A. Pineau 13 pages
  503 Les modes alternatifs de résolution des conflits et le règlement judiciaire traditionnel des litiges : les systèmes privés de résolution des conflits et leur réglementation
Michele A. Pineau | 13 pages
Michele A. Pineau 13 pages
  504 Luncheon Address
John T. Nilson, Q.C. | 9 pages
John T. Nilson, Q.C. 9 pages
  505 The Unrepresented Accused: Duties and Obligations of Trial Judges and Crown Counsel, and the Preparation of Petitions for State-Funded Counsel
Isabel J. Schurman | 27 pages
Isabel J. Schurman 27 pages
  506 L'institut international pour l'unification du droit privé : un aperçu de son organisation et de ses travaux
Anne-Marie Trahan | 23 pages
Anne-Marie Trahan 23 pages
  507 The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law: An Overview of the Organization and Its Work
Anne-Marie Trahan | 23 pages
Anne-Marie Trahan 23 pages
  508 A New Regime for International Commercial Aircraft (and Other Equipment) Financing: The (draft) Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the (draft) Aircraft Equipment Protocol
Ronald C. C. Cuming | 15 pages
Ronald C. C. Cuming 15 pages
  509 Luncheon Address
Eric Cline | 5 pages
Eric Cline 5 pages
  510 Accommodation of the Aboriginal Justice Perspective
David M. Arnot | 8 pages
David M. Arnot 8 pages
  511 Aboriginal Choices: Suffering Under a Failed Criminal Justice System or Creating an Aboriginal Attorney General Office
James [Sa'ke'j] Youngblood Henderson | 7 pages
James [Sa'ke'j] Youngblood Henderson 7 pages
  512 Justice for Aboriginals: Shared Responsibility and Accountability
Mary Ellen Lafond | 7 pages
Mary Ellen Lafond 7 pages
  513 The Constitutional Context of Aboriginal Justice Systems
John D. Whyte, Q.C. | 14 pages
John D. Whyte, Q.C. 14 pages
  514 Accommodation of the Aboriginal Justice Perspective by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Cleve Cooper | 18 pages
Cleve Cooper 18 pages
  515 Une plus grande implication… Un frein au crime
Jean-L. Dutil | 8 pages
Jean-L. Dutil 8 pages
  516 A Greater Involvement… A Curb in Crime
Jean-L. Dutil | 8 pages
Jean-L. Dutil 8 pages
  517 Closing Remarks
James M. Spence | 2 pages
James M. Spence 2 pages
  517A Closing Address
W. Ian Binnie | 6 pages
W. Ian Binnie 6 pages

1997 | The Administration of Justice In Commercial Disputes

Conference Title: The Administration of Justice In Commercial Disputes
Date: October 15-18, 1997
Co-Chairs: Dean Marilyn Pilkington, The Honourable Justice James M. Spence
Location: Toronto, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  468 The Administration of Justice in Commercial Disputes: Developments in the United States
Janet Cooper Alexander | 49 pages
Janet Cooper Alexander 49 pages
  469 An Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector: Opening the Door on Privacy?
Christine A. Carron | 17 pages
Christine A. Carron 17 pages
  470 The Prospects for Civil Justice Reform 
Thomas A. Cromwell | 12 pages
Thomas A. Cromwell 12 pages
  471 The Prospects for Civil Justice Reform
Eleanore A. Cronk | 54 pages
Eleanore A. Cronk 54 pages
  472 What Does Justice Mean?
Françoise Guénette | 6 pages
Françoise Guénette 6 pages
  473 Où est passé l'intérêt du justiciable?
Françoise Guénette | 6 pages
Françoise Guénette 6 pages
  474 Class Action in Quebec and Canada Evaluation and Reflexion on the New Challenges / Le recours collectif au Québec et au Canada, évaluation et réflexion sur les nouveaux défis
Yves Lauzon | N/A pages
Yves Lauzon N/A pages
  475 Globalization and Commercial Dispute Resolution 
Marc Lalonde, Q.C. | 16 pages
Marc Lalonde, Q.C. 16 pages
  476 A Problematique: Engineering the Constructive Trust in Quebec - Structural Tension in the Development of In Rem Restitution for Unjust Enrichment
Michael McAuley | 9 pages
Michael McAuley 9 pages
  477 The Role of Theory (And Policy) in Commercial Law - Two Historical Examples
Bruce D. Macdonald | 5 pages
Bruce D. Macdonald 5 pages
  478 Why Bother With Theory 
Roderick A. Macdonald | 20 pages
Roderick A. Macdonald 20 pages
  479 Fiduciary Obligation and Commercial Law: Four Sources of Complexity
John D. McCamus | 24 pages
John D. McCamus 24 pages
  480 Fiduciary Duty, Constructive Trust, Unjust Enrichment and the Problem of Certainty in Commercial Law (Supplementary Handout)
John D. McCamus | N/A pages
John D. McCamus N/A pages
  481 Changing Practices, Changing Rules: Judicial and Congressional Rule Making on Civil Juries, Civil Justice and Civil Judging
Judith Resnik | 77 pages
Judith Resnik 77 pages
  482 The Application and Impact of Judicial Discretion in Commercial Litigation
Robert J. Sharpe | 17 pages
Robert J. Sharpe 17 pages
  483 Is the Price Still Right? Class Proceedings in Ontario
Garry D. Watson, Q.C. | N/A pages
Garry D. Watson, Q.C. N/A pages
  483A Fiduciary Principles and Their Impact in Commercial Disputes 
Michel Bastarache | 2 pages
Michel Bastarache 2 pages
  483B Publication Bans and Freedom of Expression: A Debate
W. Ian Binnie, Q.C. | 6 pages
W. Ian Binnie, Q.C. 6 pages
  483C Publication Bans and Freedom of Expression: A Debate 
Jack M. Giles, Q.C. | 4 pages
Jack M. Giles, Q.C. 4 pages
  483D A Practical Role for Theory in Commercial Dispute Resolution 
Gillian K. Hadfield | 8 pages
Gillian K. Hadfield 8 pages
  483E Introduction - Class Actions: New Developments and Their Impact 
Kenneth C. Mackenzie | 2 pages
Kenneth C. Mackenzie 2 pages
  483F CIAJ and Its Annual Conference
James M. Spence | 2 pages
James M. Spence 2 pages
  483G Alternate Dispute Resolution: Impact in Commercial Disputes
Bonita J. Thompson, Q.C. | 8 pages
Bonita J. Thompson, Q.C. 8 pages
  483H Consumer Interest and the Administration of Justice
Anne-Marie Trahan | 2 pages
Anne-Marie Trahan 2 pages
  483I L'Intérêt des consommateurs et l'administration de la justice en matière commerciale
Anne-Marie Trahan | 2 pages
Anne-Marie Trahan 2 pages
  483J Managing the Mega-Case
James M. Farley, Sheila R. Block, Gérald R. Tremblay | 13 pages
James M. Farley, Sheila R. Block, Gérald R. Tremblay 13 pages

1996 | Human Rights in the 21st Century: Prospects, Institutions and Processes

Conference Title: Human Rights in the 21st Century: Prospects, Institutions and Processes
Date: October 16-19, 1996
Co-Chairs: Professor Thomas A. Cromwell, The Honourable Justice Jamie W. S. Saunders
Location: Halifax, NS

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  443 International Human Rights Law and the Canadian Courts 
William A. Schabas | 28 pages
William A. Schabas 28 pages
  444 The Independence of the Judiciary: Concepts and Challenges 
Mona Rishmawi | 12 pages
Mona Rishmawi 12 pages
  445 The Independence of Jurists in Canada and in Other OSCE States
Allan McChesney | 14 pages
Allan McChesney 14 pages
  446 Application of Charter Values to Defamation Actions
Sheila Block, Zarah Walpole | 21 pages
Sheila Block, Zarah Walpole 21 pages
  447 Does Section 15 Have a Future? 
C. Lynn Smith, Q.C. | 30 pages
C. Lynn Smith, Q.C. 30 pages
  448 Prospects for Equality for Aboriginal Persons and Nations in Canada: Reflections on the Work of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Paul L. A. H. Chartrand | 6 pages
Paul L. A. H. Chartrand 6 pages
  449 Is There a Backlash to Human Rights? 
Kathleen E. Mahoney | N/A pages
Kathleen E. Mahoney N/A pages
  450 The Effectiveness of Human Rights Commissions and the Need for Jurisdictional Focus
Russell Juriansz | 22 pages
Russell Juriansz 22 pages
  451 Institutions - Human Rights Protectors - Efficacy 
Mark R. MacGuigan | 17 pages
Mark R. MacGuigan 17 pages
  452 The Interaction of Courts and Human Rights Tribunals 
James MacPherson | N/A pages
James MacPherson N/A pages
  453 Judicial Impartiality and Social Context Education
Katherine Swinton | 16 pages
Katherine Swinton 16 pages
  454 Finding and Following "The Road Less Travelled": Judicial Neutrality and the Protection and Enforcement of Equality Rights in Criminal Trial Courts
Donna Hackett | 19 pages
Donna Hackett 19 pages
  455 Charter Remedies and Democracy 
John C. Tait | 11 pages
John C. Tait 11 pages
  456 Issues of Human Rights and Charter Remedies
Andrew C. L. Sims, Q.C. | N/A pages
Andrew C. L. Sims, Q.C. N/A pages
  457 Wrap-Up
Michel Bastarache | 4 pages
Michel Bastarache 4 pages
  458 Human Rights in the Twenty First Century: Real Dichotomies, False Antagonisms
Albie L. Sachs | 14 pages
Albie L. Sachs 14 pages
  459 Judicial Neutrality: Introductory Remarks 
Rosalie Silberman Abella | 2 pages
Rosalie Silberman Abella 2 pages
  460 Prospects - Freedom of Expression - Panel Introduction
Peter deC. Cory | 2 pages
Peter deC. Cory 2 pages
  461 Institutions - Human Rights Protectors - Efficacy
Gordon Fairweather | 2 pages
Gordon Fairweather 2 pages
  462 Prospects for Human Rights - Equality 
Catherine A. Fraser | 4 pages
Catherine A. Fraser 4 pages
  463 L'avenir des tribunaux des droits de la personne 
Michèle Rivet | 26 pages
Michèle Rivet 26 pages
  464 Welcoming Remarks
Jamie W. S. Saunders | 4 pages
Jamie W. S. Saunders 4 pages
  465 Foreword
Jamie W. S. Saunders, Thomas A. Cromwell | 1 pages
Jamie W. S. Saunders, Thomas A. Cromwell 1 pages
  466 Les réparations fondées sur la Charte et la démocratie 
John C. Tait | 12 pages
John C. Tait 12 pages
  467 Problems and Considerations Vis-à-Vis the Independence of the Bench and Bar - Introduction
Robert Wells | 1 pages
Robert Wells 1 pages

1995 | Public Perceptions of the Administration of Justice

Conference Title: Public Perceptions of the Administration of Justice
Date: October 11-14, 1995
Co-Chairs: Dean Sheilah L. Martin, The Honourable Justice Bonnie L. Rawlins
Location: Banff, AB

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  422 Introduction to Panel Discussion on "Who is the Public and How are Perceptions Created"
Rosalie S. Abella | 2 pages
Rosalie S. Abella 2 pages
  423 L'administration de la justice et les tribunaux : quelques réflexions sur la perception du public
Pierre A. Michaud | 10 pages
Pierre A. Michaud 10 pages
  424 Some Thoughts on Public Perceptions of the Role of Judges in the Administration of Justice in Canada
Donna J. Martinson | 25 pages
Donna J. Martinson 25 pages
  425 Public Perceptions of Actors in the Justice System
Ian J. Baird | 4 pages
Ian J. Baird 4 pages
  426 Remarks on Public Perceptions About the Administration of Justice
Link Byfield | 4 pages
Link Byfield 4 pages
  427 Public Perception of Administration of Justice - The Police Role
Nina Vaughan | 2 pages
Nina Vaughan 2 pages
  428 Victimes des ambitions royales
Louise Viau | 30 pages
Louise Viau 30 pages
  429 Keynote Address: Crime, Punishment and Public Expectations
Allan Rock | 10 pages
Allan Rock 10 pages
  430 The Unfinished Triangle: The Criminal Justice System, the Victim and the Offender - A Comparative Review of Victim Treatment in Some Criminal Justice Systems
F. B. William Kelly | 34 pages
F. B. William Kelly 34 pages
  431 Sentencing Principles, Pitfalls and Bill C-41
Peter W. L. Martin, Q.C. | 14 pages
Peter W. L. Martin, Q.C. 14 pages
  432 De la décision en matière de jeunes contrevenants
André Sirois | 25 pages
André Sirois 25 pages
  432A The Dispositions in Matters Concerning Young Offenders
André Sirois | 24 pages
André Sirois 24 pages
  433 Criminal Justice Reform in a Hostile Climate
Anthony N. Doob | 24 pages
Anthony N. Doob 24 pages
  434 Public Perceptions of Parole
John K. Gormley | 24 pages
John K. Gormley 24 pages
  435 Canadian Police Association Brief to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on Bill C-41
Scott Newark | 21 pages
Scott Newark 21 pages
  436 Appendix I - Canadian Police Association Brief - High Risk Offenders
Scott Newark | 11 pages
Scott Newark 11 pages
  436A Appendix II - Final Report (Canadians Against Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination - CAVEAT)
Scott Newark | 16 pages
Scott Newark 16 pages
  436B Appendix III - List of Some of the Cases Forming Basis for High Risk Offenders' Debate
Scott Newark | 14 pages
Scott Newark 14 pages
  437 La surutilisation de la peine d'emprisonnement : la contribution respective de tous les intervenants de justice au phénomène et le caractère trop timide de la réforme canadienne pour en réduire l'importance
Hélène Dumont | 25 pages
Hélène Dumont 25 pages
  438 La réponse de l'administration de la justice à la perception du public
Jean-Louis Baudouin | 5 pages
Jean-Louis Baudouin 5 pages
  439 Proposed Procedural Change in England and Wales
David Latham | 13 pages
David Latham 13 pages
  440 The Administration of Justice Response to Public Perception - An Administrative Lawyer's Perspective
Andrew C. L. Sims, Q.C. | 13 pages
Andrew C. L. Sims, Q.C. 13 pages
  441 Conference Wrap-Up and Summation
Robert J. Sharpe | 6 pages
Robert J. Sharpe 6 pages
  442 L'administration de la justice et la perception du public
Gil Rémillard | 6 pages
Gil Rémillard 6 pages
  442A The Role of the Victim in the Criminal Justice System - Seminar Discussion Guidelines
David Lepofsky | 27 pages
David Lepofsky 27 pages
  442B Introduction of the Keynote Speaker
Cecilia I. Johnstone, Q.C. | 2 pages
Cecilia I. Johnstone, Q.C. 2 pages
  442C Justice, the Courts and Aboriginal People
Ovide Mercredi | 8 pages
Ovide Mercredi 8 pages
  442D The Role of the Victim in the Criminal Justice System - Circle Sentencing in Inuit Communities
Mary Crnkovich | 34 pages
Mary Crnkovich 34 pages
  442E Civil Justice Reform: What do we Know?
John D. McCamus | 18 pages
John D. McCamus 18 pages
  442F Conference Wrap Up and Summation
Donna Greschner | 4 pages
Donna Greschner 4 pages
  442G What is Justice? - Keynote Address
Patricia J. Williams | 9 pages
Patricia J. Williams 9 pages

1994 | Open Justice

Conference Title: Open Justice
Date: October 12-15, 1994
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Alice Desjardins, Professor Diane Labelle
Location: Ottawa, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  397 Le rôle du juge au XXe siècle
Antonio Lamer | 9 pages
Antonio Lamer 9 pages
  397A The Role of the Judge in the 20th Century
Antonio Lamer | 8 pages
Antonio Lamer 8 pages
  398 Qui a le dernier mot lorsqu'il s'agit de définir l'«intérêt public»?
René Hurtubise | 4 pages
René Hurtubise 4 pages
  399 Qui a le dernier mot lorsqu'il s'agit de définir l'«intérêt public»?
Laurent Laplante | 4 pages
Laurent Laplante 4 pages
  400 Le droit à l'information et le respect de la vie privée
Herbert Marx | 9 pages
Herbert Marx 9 pages
  401 Publication Bans: Who, What, Where, When and Why? L'ordonnance de non-publication: qui vise-t-elle?
Fraser Martin | 7 pages
Fraser Martin 7 pages
  402 Publication Bans: An Examination of Some General Principles
W. Ian C. Binnie, Q.C. | 10 pages
W. Ian C. Binnie, Q.C. 10 pages
  403 Some Aspects of the Media and the Law
Roger P. Kerans | N/A pages
Roger P. Kerans N/A pages
  403A Introduction to Alternative Means for Protecting Vulnerable Complainants in Judicial Proceedings and Hearings
Eugene Meehan | 2 pages
Eugene Meehan 2 pages
  404 Evidence Outside of the Courtroom: Protecting Vulnerable Complainants
Elizabeth Bennett | 10 pages
Elizabeth Bennett 10 pages
  405 Protecting Vulnerable Complainants in Criminal Court: The Use of Videotaping
Michelle Fuerst | 12 pages
Michelle Fuerst 12 pages
  406 Memory on Trial
George A. Fraser | 10 pages
George A. Fraser 10 pages
  407 Toward a Theory of Responsible Justice
Jamie Cameron | 17 pages
Jamie Cameron 17 pages
  408 Hardly a "Natural Born" Charter Right: Why Section 2(b) of the Charter Should Not Include a Right to Attend Hearings
Frank A. .V Falzon | 28 pages
Frank A. .V Falzon 28 pages
  409 Privacy and Openness: The Conundrum
John W. Grace | 6 pages
John W. Grace 6 pages
  410 Private Commercial Interests on Trial: Regulatory Hearings
Margot Priest | 23 pages
Margot Priest 23 pages
  411 The Confidentiality of Commercial Information in a System of Open Justice
A. Neil Campbell | 14 pages
A. Neil Campbell 14 pages
  412 Access to Public Commercial Information in Evolving Public-Private Sector Relationships
Michael J. Trebilcock, Evan Atwood | 31 pages
Michael J. Trebilcock, Evan Atwood 31 pages
  413 Access to Confidential Business Information in Government Files
John C. Pearson | 13 pages
John C. Pearson 13 pages
  414 Open Justice or "Just Us"?: The Poor, the Courts and the Charter
Martha Jackman | N/A pages
Martha Jackman N/A pages
  415 Disciplining the Judiciary: Some Preliminary Observations
Martin L. Friedland | 11 pages
Martin L. Friedland 11 pages
  416 Openness and Independence in Judicial Discipline Matters - The New Ontario Judicial Council
Sidney B. Linden | 9 pages
Sidney B. Linden 9 pages
  417 Openness and Independence in Judicial Discipline Matters
Allan McEachern | 9 pages
Allan McEachern 9 pages
  418 Cameras in the Courtroom - Not Without My Consent
David Lepofsky | 57 pages
David Lepofsky 57 pages
  419 Electronic Public Access - An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Daniel Henry | 43 pages
Daniel Henry 43 pages
  420 Openness and Independence in Judicial Discipline
Ed Ratushny, Q.C. | 4 pages
Ed Ratushny, Q.C. 4 pages
  421 L'intérêt public: son rôle et les rouages de sa détermination
Pierre Trudel | 10 pages
Pierre Trudel 10 pages
  421A The Role of the Media in the Protection of Vulnerable Complainants
Stephen Bindman | 5 pages
Stephen Bindman 5 pages
  421B Open Justice:  Professional Challenges, Institutional Balances, and Ongoing Debates
H. Wade MacLauchlan | 3 pages
H. Wade MacLauchlan 3 pages
  421C Transparence judiciaire et transparence de la justice
Yves-Marie Morissette | 2 pages
Yves-Marie Morissette 2 pages

1993 | Filtering and Analyzing Evidence In An Age of Diversity

Conference Title: Filtering and Analyzing Evidence In An Age of Diversity
Date: October 13-16, 1993
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice Carol M. Huddart, Professor Marilyn MacCrimmon
Location: Vancouver, BC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  368 Keynote Speaker's Opening Remarks
Allan McEachern | 19 pages
Allan McEachern 19 pages
  369 Conference Co-Chair's Opening Comments
Carol M. Huddart | 4 pages
Carol M. Huddart 4 pages
  369A Conference Co-Chair's Opening Comments
Marilyn T. MacCrimmon | 6 pages
Marilyn T. MacCrimmon 6 pages
  370 Hearsay
Ronald J. Delisle | 20 pages
Ronald J. Delisle 20 pages
  371 Les nouvelles règles de la preuve par ouï-dire en droit civil québécois
Claude Fabien | 18 pages
Claude Fabien 18 pages
  372 Les privilèges de confidentialité
François Aquin, Rachel Désy | 32 pages
François Aquin, Rachel Désy 32 pages
  373 Equality, Fairness and Relevance: Disclosure of Therapists' Records in Sexual Assault Trials
Marilyn T. MacCrimmon, Christine Boyle | 33 pages
Marilyn T. MacCrimmon, Christine Boyle 33 pages
  374 Discovery by the Prosecution in the United States
Christopher Slobogin | 26 pages
Christopher Slobogin 26 pages
  375 La recevabilité et l'appréciation de la preuve dans un monde complexe
François Handfield | 16 pages
François Handfield 16 pages
  376 The Purposes of the Exclusionary Remedy
Kent Roach | 27 pages
Kent Roach 27 pages
  377 Implications of the Story Model for the Trial Judge's Behaviour
Reid Hastie, Nancy Pennington | 14 pages
Reid Hastie, Nancy Pennington 14 pages
  378 Workshop on Causation and Future Risk in Environmental Cases - Comments from the Chair of the above Panel
Wade MacLauchlan | 11 pages
Wade MacLauchlan 11 pages
  379-380 The Role of the Expert in Environmental Litigation - Le rôle des témoins-experts dans les causes de nature environnementale
Nicole Duval Hesler | 36 pages
Nicole Duval Hesler 36 pages
  381 Proving Causation and Future Risk in the Course of Environmental Decision-Making
Michael I. Jeffery, Q.C. | 15 pages
Michael I. Jeffery, Q.C. 15 pages
  382 Evidentiary Challenges Improving Causation and Future Risk in Environmental Litigation and Administrative Decision Making
Richard Gathercole | 9 pages
Richard Gathercole 9 pages
  383 Evidence in Child Sexual Abuse Cases: A Clash Over Credibility
James C. Robb, Q.C. | 38 pages
James C. Robb, Q.C. 38 pages
  384 How Many Words for a Camel? A Perspective on Judicial Evaluation of Social Science Evidence
Neil Vidmar | 18 pages
Neil Vidmar 18 pages
  385 The Standard for Judicial Intervention in Decisions of Administrative Tribunals: Curial Deference in 1993
John L. Finlay | 21 pages
John L. Finlay 21 pages
  386 Evidentiary Matters at the Immigration and Refugee Board in an Age of Diversity
Nurjehan Mawani | 30 pages
Nurjehan Mawani 30 pages
  387 Questions relatives à la preuve devant la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié à l'âge de la diversité
Nurjehan Mawani | 33 pages
Nurjehan Mawani 33 pages
  388 Relatively Relevant
Sandra K. McCallum | 8 pages
Sandra K. McCallum 8 pages
  389 The Role of Legislation, if any, in the Development of the Law of Evidence
Louise Viau | 5 pages
Louise Viau 5 pages
  390 Le rôle aléatoire du législateur dans le développement du droit de la preuve
Louise Viau | 6 pages
Louise Viau 6 pages
  391 Discretion and The L R C's Code of Evidence
Ronald Delisle | 10 pages
Ronald Delisle 10 pages
  392 The Jury Charge as a Reflection of How Adjudicators Make Decisions
Ronald L. Berger | 7 pages
Ronald L. Berger 7 pages
  393 Les juges ont-ils des convictions personnelles?
André Denis | 12 pages
André Denis 12 pages
  394 Judges' Personal Convictions
André Denis | 12 pages
André Denis 12 pages
  395 How Adjudicators Make Decisions
Noel H. A. Goodridge | 20 pages
Noel H. A. Goodridge 20 pages
  396 Summation and Commentary: Evidence Rules in the Blast of the Hurricane
Stanley Schiff | 23 pages
Stanley Schiff 23 pages

1992 | Culture, Justice & Law

Conference Title: Culture, Justice & Law
Date: October 14-17, 1992
Co-Chairs: Professor François Chevrette, The Honourable Justice Michèle Rivet
Location: Montreal, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  355 Lord Durham Revisited: The Cultural Struggle of Nations and Peoples Within the Canadian State
Kenneth Coates | 23 pages
Kenneth Coates 23 pages
  356 Développement de deux cultures juridiques distinctes au Canada (notes)
Gérard Snow | 4 pages
Gérard Snow 4 pages
  357 Le Code civil, droit commun?
Jean-Maurice Brisson | N/A pages
Jean-Maurice Brisson N/A pages
  358 Culture and the Common Law
H. Patrick Glenn | N/A pages
H. Patrick Glenn N/A pages
  358A Commentary on the Remarks of Judge Graydon Nicholas
R. P. Kerans | 4 pages
R. P. Kerans 4 pages
  359 Multiculturalism and the Canadian Constitution
Katherine Swinton | 25 pages
Katherine Swinton 25 pages
  359A Treatment of Cultural Minorities and Administration of Justice Issues by the Media
Haroon Siddiqui | 7 pages
Haroon Siddiqui 7 pages
  359B Promotion of Cultural Minorities in Policing
Barry Thomas | 10 pages
Barry Thomas 10 pages
  360 The Representation of Cultural Minorities on Administrative Tribunals: the Importance of Diversity
Nurjehan N. Mawani | 22 pages
Nurjehan N. Mawani 22 pages
  361 La représentation des minorités culturelles au sein des tribunaux administratifs: l'importance de la diversité
Nurjehan N. Mawani | 24 pages
Nurjehan N. Mawani 24 pages
  361A La protection juridique des patrimonies culturel et naturel
Louise Mailhot | 2 pages
Louise Mailhot 2 pages
  362 Canadian Content on Television: New Developments in Law and Policy
Peter S. Grant | 17 pages
Peter S. Grant 17 pages
  363 La protection juridique des arts et de la culture
Jacques R. Alleyn, Q.C. | 16 pages
Jacques R. Alleyn, Q.C. 16 pages
  364 Legal Protection of Art and Culture
Harvey Corn | 30 pages
Harvey Corn 30 pages
  364A Recent Developments in Restitution and Return of Cultural Property
Sharon A. Williams | 24 pages
Sharon A. Williams 24 pages
  365 Cultural Considerations in Evidence and Decision-Making
Robert T. Moran | 8 pages
Robert T. Moran 8 pages
  366 De Solon à Ovide Mercredi - ou - Sommes-nous si éloignés les uns des autres?
Jean-Charles Coutu | N/A pages
Jean-Charles Coutu N/A pages
  367 Community Sentencing Circles:  Forging New Partnerships and Empowering Communities
Barry Stuart | 24 pages
Barry Stuart 24 pages

1991 | Work, Unemployment and Justice

Conference Title: Work, Unemployment and Justice
Date: October, 1991
Co-Chairs: Mr. Michel Bastarache, The Honourable Justice Margaret E. L. Larlee
Location: St. Andrews by the Sea, NB

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  328 Le partage des pouvoirs législatifs en matière de relations de travail
Benoît Pelletier | 59 pages
Benoît Pelletier 59 pages
  329 Economic and Social Effects of Immigration
Neil Swan | 9 pages
Neil Swan 9 pages
  330 L'équité salariale et l'employeur
William J. Atkinson | 12 pages
William J. Atkinson 12 pages
  331 Legislating Employment Equity in Ontario
Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré | 20 pages
Juanita Westmoreland-Traoré 20 pages
  332 La récession économique et le droit québécois de la cessation d'emploi
Gilles Trudeau | 35 pages
Gilles Trudeau 35 pages
  333 Beyond Reasonable Notice: Other Damages for Wrongful Dismissal
Karin McCaskill | 19 pages
Karin McCaskill 19 pages
  334 Constructive Dismissal
N. W. Sherstobitoff | 22 pages
N. W. Sherstobitoff 22 pages
  335 Current Issues in the Assessment of Reasonable Notice Periods
Barry B. Fisher | 29 pages
Barry B. Fisher 29 pages
  336 An Insider's View of the Mandatory Retirement Cases
Robin Elliot | 24 pages
Robin Elliot 24 pages
  337 The Legal, Human, Social and Economic Issues Involved in Mandatory Retirement
Jack R. London, Q.C. | 35 pages
Jack R. London, Q.C. 35 pages
  338 Constitutional Choices: The Case of Mandatory Retirement
George W. Adams, Q.C. | 21 pages
George W. Adams, Q.C. 21 pages
  339 Droit du travail et Charte à la Cour suprême du Canada
Gérard V La Forest | 15 pages
Gérard V La Forest 15 pages
  339 Labour Law and the Charter in the Supreme Court of Canada
Gérard V La Forest | 14 pages
Gérard V La Forest 14 pages
  340 The Duty of Reasonable Accommodation and Gender Equality
Katherine Swinton | 23 pages
Katherine Swinton 23 pages
  341 Protecting Status Rights: Employment and Labour Tribunal Remedies
Charles E. Humphrey | 20 pages
Charles E. Humphrey 20 pages
  342 Application of the Duty of Mitigation in Constructive Dismissal - Recent Case Law
M. F. Harrington, Q.C. | 15 pages
M. F. Harrington, Q.C. 15 pages
  343 Non-Contractual Damages in Wrongful Dismissal Actions
Brian A. Grosman, John R. Martin | 17 pages
Brian A. Grosman, John R. Martin 17 pages
  344 Employment Law and Employment Tribunals: Where Should we be Heading?
Bernard Adell | 29 pages
Bernard Adell 29 pages
  345 Judicial Review of Statutory Interpretation by Arbitrators
Augustus Lilly | 29 pages
Augustus Lilly 29 pages
  346 From the Cornfields of Ontario to Double Breasting in Newfoundland - What does it all Mean? The Standard of Judicial Review Applicable to Labour Tribunals
W. J. Vancise | 32 pages
W. J. Vancise 32 pages
  347 Développements récents du contentieux administratif en droit du travail
Denis Lévesque | 19 pages
Denis Lévesque 19 pages
  348 Les nouvelles dispositions de la Loi sur les normes du travail du Québec: le législateur a-t-il visé juste?
Jean-Pierre Villagi | 30 pages
Jean-Pierre Villagi 30 pages
  349 Labour Codes and Standards: Benefactors or Beneficiaries?
Robert M. Parry | 14 pages
Robert M. Parry 14 pages
  350 Development of Employment Standards Legislation in New Brunswick
Mike McKee | 16 pages
Mike McKee 16 pages
  351 Non-Competition Covenants
Charles T. Hackland | 13 pages
Charles T. Hackland 13 pages
  352 Fiduciary Duties of Departing Employees
James F. Lemesurier | 14 pages
James F. Lemesurier 14 pages
  353 Les obligations des ancien(ne)s employé(es) : l'état du droit du Québec
Suzanne P. Boivin | 15 pages
Suzanne P. Boivin 15 pages
  354 Restructuring in Industrial Relations and the Role for Public Policy
Anil Verma, Joseph M. Weiler | 20 pages
Anil Verma, Joseph M. Weiler 20 pages

1990 | Health Care, Ethics and Law

Conference Title: Health Care, Ethics and Law
Date: October, 1990
Co-Chairs: Dr. Bernard M. Dickens, The Honourable Justice Horace Krever
Location: Toronto, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  297 Droit, éthique et soins de santé : la décennie 1980-1990 - un bilan des succès et des échecs
Jean-Louis Baudouin | 11 pages
Jean-Louis Baudouin 11 pages
  298 Allocation and Rationing of Health Care Resources: Patients' Challenges to Decision-Making
Michèle Rivet | 30 pages
Michèle Rivet 30 pages
  299 L'indemnisation des victimes d'incidents sanitaires: perspectives de réforme
Patrick Molinari | 21 pages
Patrick Molinari 21 pages
  300 The Independence of the Elderly and Issues of Long-Term Care and Institutionalization
Harry Fields | 13 pages
Harry Fields 13 pages
  301 Health, Poverty and the Elderly: Can the Courts Make a Difference?
Margaret Shone | 27 pages
Margaret Shone 27 pages
  302 Elder Abuse in Canada: Prevalence, Legal and Service Issues - At the request of the author this paper was omitted from publication. An early draft of this paper was presented at the XXIIth Banff International Conference on Behavioural Sciences, March, 1990, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Some sections are summarized from the work by P.L. McDonald, J.P. Hornick, G.B. Robertson & J.E. Wallace, Elder Abuse and Neglect in Canada (Toronto: Butterworths, 1991).
Joseph P. Hornick | N/A pages
Joseph P. Hornick N/A pages
  303 AIDS and the Law: Problems with the Ontario Health Protection and Promotion Act, 1983 - A Physician's Perspective
Philip B. Berger | 15 pages
Philip B. Berger 15 pages
  304 AIDS: An Employer Challenge
Susan A. Bisset | 9 pages
Susan A. Bisset 9 pages
  305 HIV Infection and the Law: A Medical Health Officer's Perspective
F. John Blatherwick | 7 pages
F. John Blatherwick 7 pages
  306 Judicial Decision Making in Areas of Scientific Uncertainty
John B. Dossetor | 7 pages
John B. Dossetor 7 pages
  307 Bioéthique: l'incertitude scientifique, l'approche judiciaire
Pierre Tessier | 39 pages
Pierre Tessier 39 pages
  308 Implication of Scientific Innovation in the New Reproductive Technologies
Patricia Baird | 17 pages
Patricia Baird 17 pages
  309 Transplantation - Therapy or Experimentation. When does a Medical Procedure Become an Accepted Therapy and a Legal Right?
Calvin R. Stiller | 11 pages
Calvin R. Stiller 11 pages
  310 Hospital Privileges and the Law
David H. Martin | 11 pages
David H. Martin 11 pages
  311 The Charter, Psychiatry and the Criminal Code
Carla McKague | 18 pages
Carla McKague 18 pages
  312 The Justice System's Endorsement of Mental Health Assessors' Sexism and Other Biases: Charter Issues and Other Forms of Injustice
Paula J. Caplan | 7 pages
Paula J. Caplan 7 pages
  313 Mental Disabilities, Litigation and the Courts: Recent Charter Issues; Evolving Doctrines and the Court Process
Mary Marshall | 16 pages
Mary Marshall 16 pages
  314 Patients' Expectations: Provider Dilemmas
Janet L. Storch | 7 pages
Janet L. Storch 7 pages
  315 Santé, allocation des ressources et choix inévitables
Pierre Marc Johnson | 7 pages
Pierre Marc Johnson 7 pages
  316 Focus on the Individual: A Decade of Workers' Compensation Board Reform in Ontario
Robert G. Elgie | 5 pages
Robert G. Elgie 5 pages
  316A Liability and Compensation in Health Care
Robert S. Prichard | 23 pages
Robert S. Prichard 23 pages
  317A Ethical Ambiguities and Economic Consequences in the Allocation of Health Care
Robert G. Evans | 13 pages
Robert G. Evans 13 pages
  318A Employment Options for the Physically Disabled
Catherine Frazee | 5 pages
Catherine Frazee 5 pages

1989 | Discrimination in the Law and the Administration of Justice

Conference Title: Discrimination in the Law and the Administration of Justice
Date: October, 1989
Co-Chairs: The Honourable Justice John D. Bracco, Dean Timothy D. Christian
Location: Kananaskis, AB

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  259 Discrimination in Canada: Our History and our Legacy
Walter S. Tarnopolsky | 19 pages
Walter S. Tarnopolsky 19 pages
  260 A Critical Survey of Human Rights Acts and Commissions in Canada
Kathleen Ruff | 14 pages
Kathleen Ruff 14 pages
  261 Enforcing the Human Rights of the Poor
W. Brent Cotter | 21 pages
W. Brent Cotter 21 pages
  262 Rôle des commissions des droits de la personne: Bilan et perspectives
Madeleine Caron | 16 pages
Madeleine Caron 16 pages
  263 Discrimination in Public Utility Regulation
David A. Holgate, Allan L. McLarty | 13 pages
David A. Holgate, Allan L. McLarty 13 pages
  264 Discrimination and Municipal By-Laws
Stanley M. Makuch | 21 pages
Stanley M. Makuch 21 pages
  265 Some Problems in the Administration of Justice in Remote and Isolated Communities
Heino Lilles | 20 pages
Heino Lilles 20 pages
  266 Language Difficulties facing Tribunals and Participants: The Approach of the New Official Languages ActLes droits linguistiques et les difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés le système judiciaire et ses acteurs : l'approche adoptée par la loi sur les langues officielles
Warren J. Newman | 29 pages
Warren J. Newman 29 pages
  267 Age Discrimination: From Children to Elderly
Don McDougall | 9 pages
Don McDougall 9 pages
  268 Double Victims: Child Sexual Abuse and the Canadian Criminal Justice System
Nicholas Bala | 42 pages
Nicholas Bala 42 pages
  269 The Mandatory Retirement Cases: What they Tell us About the Charter
Peter Gall | N/A pages
Peter Gall N/A pages
  270 Child Testimony: Avoiding Discrimination Through Consideration of Developmental Issues
Joseph P. Hornick | N/A pages
Joseph P. Hornick N/A pages
  271 The Employment Equity Act: From Policy to Implementation
Marnie Clarke | 19 pages
Marnie Clarke 19 pages
  272 Ontario's Employment and Pay Equity Programs
Elaine M. Todres | 13 pages
Elaine M. Todres 13 pages
  273 Employment Equity and Pay Equity: A Cursory Review
Russell G. Juriansz | 29 pages
Russell G. Juriansz 29 pages
  274 Discrimination in the Law and the Administration of Justice in Remote and Isolated Communities
Mark M. de Weerdt | 13 pages
Mark M. de Weerdt 13 pages
  275 Sex Equality and Biological Difference: Some Preliminary Observations
Sheilah L. Martin | 14 pages
Sheilah L. Martin 14 pages
  276 Sexual Assault and the Common Law: A New Perspective
Mary Eberts | 24 pages
Mary Eberts 24 pages
  277 The Law, Gender Discrimination and Sexual Stereotypes: Whither with Prostitution and Pornography?
John McLaren | 17 pages
John McLaren 17 pages
  278 Discrimination in Canada's Electoral Law
John C. Courtney | 9 pages
John C. Courtney 9 pages
  279 Electoral Laws in Free and Democratic Countries: Political Questions and Judicial Review
Edward McWhinney | 16 pages
Edward McWhinney 16 pages
  280 The Federal Court and Electoral Law
James A. Jerome | 7 pages
James A. Jerome 7 pages
  281 Discrimination in the Person-as-Perfect-Product Society: AIDS, Aging and Mental Incompetence
Margaret Somerville | N/A pages
Margaret Somerville N/A pages
  282 Health Discrimination and Elderly
Bernard M. Dickens | 8 pages
Bernard M. Dickens 8 pages
  283 Visible Minorities and Discrimination in Canada
Russell G. Juriansz | 19 pages
Russell G. Juriansz 19 pages
  284 Current Issues in Racial Discrimination Law
Raj Anand | 22 pages
Raj Anand 22 pages
  285 Natives and the Court System
James L. F. Gladstone | 4 pages
James L. F. Gladstone 4 pages
  286 Human Rights Adjudication
Nicole Duval-Hesler | 14 pages
Nicole Duval-Hesler 14 pages
  287 The Burden of Proof Facing a Person Who Invokes S.15(1) of the Canadian Charter
Louis Paul Cullen | 30 pages
Louis Paul Cullen 30 pages
  288 Discrimination, the Rights to Seek Redress and the Common Law: A Century-Old Debate
Béatrice Vizkelety | 30 pages
Béatrice Vizkelety 30 pages
  289 An Argument for a Separate Aboriginal Legal System Based on the Notion of Need
Patrick Kerans | 15 pages
Patrick Kerans 15 pages
  289A Courts, Cabinet and Parliament: Community Law-Making on Great Political and Social Conflicts
Edward McWhinney | 5 pages
Edward McWhinney 5 pages
  289B Sterilization, Mental Disability, and Re Eve: Affirmative Discrimination?
Gerald Robertson | 9 pages
Gerald Robertson 9 pages

1988 | Law and the Environment – Problems of Risk and Uncertainty

Conference Title: Law and the Environment - Problems of Risk and Uncertainty
Date: October, 1988
Co-Chairs: Dean Innis Christie, The Honourable Justice R. MacLeod Rogers
Location: Halifax, NS

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  224 Toxics, Hazards and Risk Management
Donald Chant | 14 pages
Donald Chant 14 pages
  225 Managing Uncertainty: Lessons from the U.S. Superfund Program
Mary A. Gade | 15 pages
Mary A. Gade 15 pages
  226 Transportation by Sea and Accidental Spills of Polluants - Canadian Law and the Task of the Courts
Ian Townsend Gault | N/A pages
Ian Townsend Gault N/A pages
  227 Dangerous Moves: The Law Responds to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods
Murray Rankin | 29 pages
Murray Rankin 29 pages
  228 Le rejet de contaminants dans le fleuve Saint-Laurent au moment de son déchargement à l'usine a la frontière Québec / Ontario
Jean Piette | 13 pages
Jean Piette 13 pages
  228A Environmental Law and its Enforcement - A Practitioner's Point of View
Nicole Duval Hesler | 9 pages
Nicole Duval Hesler 9 pages
  229 Environmental Planning and Environmental Assessment: Proactive Regulation by Administrative Tribunal
D. Paul Emond | 28 pages
D. Paul Emond 28 pages
  230 The Pre-Release Regulatory Framework
Toby Vigod | 18 pages
Toby Vigod 18 pages
  231 Le droit environnemental québécois et les pesticides
Lorne Giroux | 34 pages
Lorne Giroux 34 pages
  232 The Conflict Between Law and Science
Hajo Versteeg | 28 pages
Hajo Versteeg 28 pages
  233 The Role of the Civil Courts in Resolving Risk and Uncertainty in Environmental Law
John Swaigen | 18 pages
John Swaigen 18 pages
  234 The Role of the Courts from an Industry Perspective
W. R. O. Aitken | 10 pages
W. R. O. Aitken 10 pages
  235 Ontology, Ecology, Burden of Proof and Causation: An American Perspective on the Role of the Courts
James M. Olson | 18 pages
James M. Olson 18 pages
  236 The Role of the Courts in Great Britain: Problems of the Environment
D. G. T.  Williams | 17 pages
D. G. T.  Williams 17 pages
  237 Pesticides and the Environment: The Perspective of the Forest Industry
George T. H. Cooper | N/A pages
George T. H. Cooper N/A pages
  238 Dangerous Moves: The Law Responds to the Transportation of Dangerous Goods - Comments on the Paper of Murray Rankin, Presented at a National Seminar on Law and the Environment
Robert B. Warren | 7 pages
Robert B. Warren 7 pages
  239 The Role of the Provincial Courts and Criminal/Quasi-Criminal Process
R. M. Bourassa | 8 pages
R. M. Bourassa 8 pages

1987 | Justice: Independence and Accountability

Conference Title:  Justice: Independence and Accountability
Date: October, 1987
Location: Montreal, QC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  198 Independence of Justice in the World
L. M. Singhvi | 99 pages
L. M. Singhvi 99 pages
  199 The Independence of Justice: The Canadian Reality - L'indépendance de la justice : La réalité canadienne (Bilingual/Bilingue)
Jules Deschênes | 90 pages
Jules Deschênes 90 pages
  200 Independence and Accountability for Administrative Tribunals
Rosalie Silberman Abella | 21 pages
Rosalie Silberman Abella 21 pages
  201 Judicial Independence and the Administration of Courts in Canada
Carl Baar | 35 pages
Carl Baar 35 pages
  202 The Elements of a Free Society - The Role of the Media in the Legal System
N. T. Nemetz | 6 pages
N. T. Nemetz 6 pages
  203 The Status of Members of Administrative Tribunals:  "The Situation in Canada."
M. Eberlee | 13 pages
M. Eberlee 13 pages
  204 Le statut des membres des tribunaux administratifs : la situation au Québec
Jean-François Gosselin | 19 pages
Jean-François Gosselin 19 pages
  205 L'indépendance quasi-judiciaire, une quasi-indépendance? Réflexion en vue d'une réforme du statut des membres des tribunaux administratifs
Yves Ouellette | 39 pages
Yves Ouellette 39 pages
  206 Judicial Accountability:  Ethics and Discipline
Shimon Shetreet | 23 pages
Shimon Shetreet 23 pages
  207 The Independence of Lawyers
Shimon Shetreet | 39 pages
Shimon Shetreet 39 pages
  208 L'indépendance du notaire
Jean Lambert | 31 pages
Jean Lambert 31 pages
  209 Une justice responsable : le contrôle de la qualité
René Dussault | 11 pages
René Dussault 11 pages
  210 Continuing Legal Education for Judges
J. M. Bordeleau | N/A pages
J. M. Bordeleau N/A pages
  211 Comments on Papers on Ethics and Discipline, Quality Control and Judicial Education
Jill Bodkin | 8 pages
Jill Bodkin 8 pages
  212 Address on Charter of Rights: Government by Judges
Peter H. Russell | 22 pages
Peter H. Russell 22 pages
  213 The Role of the Press as Critic
Harold Levy | 13 pages
Harold Levy 13 pages
  214 Notes sur l'outrage au tribunal
M. Laurent Laplante | 6 pages
M. Laurent Laplante 6 pages
  215 La liberté constitutionnelle de la presse et l'indépendance de la justice
Pierre Trudel | 15 pages
Pierre Trudel 15 pages

1986 | Professional Liability

Conference Title: Professional Liability
Date: October, 1986
Location: Vancouver, BC

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  172 General Trends in Professional Liability
Peter Burns, Sandra Palmer, Dale Walker | 71 pages
Peter Burns, Sandra Palmer, Dale Walker 71 pages
  173 General Trends & Problems in Liability Insurance
E. F. (Ted) Belton | 13 pages
E. F. (Ted) Belton 13 pages
  173A La crise de l’assurance r.c. vrai ou faux?
E. F. (Ted) Belton | 15 pages
E. F. (Ted) Belton 15 pages
  174 Comments on the Address of Mr. E.F. (Ted) Belton re: General Trends & Problems in Liability Insurance
J. Vincent O’Donnell, Q.C. | 15 pages
J. Vincent O’Donnell, Q.C. 15 pages
  175 Debate – Is the Present Exposure to Professional Liability in Health Care Cases Contrary to Good Medical Care? / L’état actuel du droit de la reponsabilité professionnelle médicale et hospitalière est-il incompatible avec des soins médicaus de qualité?
Presentation by John Sopinka, Q.C., for the affirmative | 7 pages
Presentation by John Sopinka, Q.C., for the affirmative 7 pages
  176 A Perspective – Medical Malpractice :  Pathology and Therapy
Jean-Louis Baudouin, Q.C. | 29 pages
Jean-Louis Baudouin, Q.C. 29 pages
  176A Exposé – La responsabilité professionnelle médicale : Pathologie et thérapie
Jean-Louis Baudouin, C.R. | 35 pages
Jean-Louis Baudouin, C.R. 35 pages
  177 Comment on Professor Jean-Louis Baudouin’s Presentation
Cherry G. Ferguson | 13 pages
Cherry G. Ferguson 13 pages
  178 Debate – Presentation for the Negative
H. A. D. Oliver, Q.C. | 6 pages
H. A. D. Oliver, Q.C. 6 pages
  179 Presentation for the Affirmative – Have the Courts Gone too far in Attaching Liability to Lawyers?  En matière de responsabilité professionnelle, les tribunaux ont-ils été trop sévères à l’égard des avocats?
John O’Brien-Bell | 13 pages
John O’Brien-Bell 13 pages
  180 A Perspective – A Lawyer’s Liability for Negligence – Care is Not Enough
Keith R. Hamilton | 32 pages
Keith R. Hamilton 32 pages
  181 Commentaire
André Poupart | 15 pages
André Poupart 15 pages
  182 Debate for the Negative – Is the Present State of Law Relating to the Liability of Accountants in the Public Interest? / L’état actuel du droit de la responsabilité professionnelle des comptables sert-il l’intérêt public?
Brian A. Crane, Q.C. | 7 pages
Brian A. Crane, Q.C. 7 pages
  183 A Perspective – Limitations on the Tort Liability of Accountants to Third Parties
Jack M. Giles, Q.C. | 31 pages
Jack M. Giles, Q.C. 31 pages
  184 Comment on Mr. Gile’s Presentation
Michael J. Ashby | 4 pages
Michael J. Ashby 4 pages
  185 Debate – Are Contingency Fees in the Public Interest? / Les honoraires conditionnels servent-ils l’intérêt public?
Michael A. Walker – negative - Henry Pankratz - affirmative | 9 pages
Michael A. Walker – negative - Henry Pankratz - affirmative 9 pages
  186 Two Perspectives / Deux exposés
Jill Bodkin, Jean-Louis Baudouin, Q.C. - Version francaise de l’exposé présenté par Jean-Louis Baudouin, C.R. | 10 pages
Jill Bodkin, Jean-Louis Baudouin, Q.C. - Version francaise de l’exposé présenté par Jean-Louis Baudouin, C.R. 10 pages
  187 Verdict of the Jury on the Questions Addressed during CIAJ’s 1986 October Seminar on Professional Liability
  | 6 pages
  6 pages

1985 | Sentencing

Conference Title: Sentencing
Date: October, 1985
Location: Toronto, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
  157 Have the Courts Failed?  The Problem of Sentencing in the 1980's
D. A. Thomas | 10 pages
D. A. Thomas 10 pages
  158 Sentencing and the Impact of the Constitution
Clayton C. Ruby | 31 pages
Clayton C. Ruby 31 pages
  159 The Principles of Sentencing:  Ouimet Revisited
John Hogarth | 22 pages
John Hogarth 22 pages
  160 Sentencing Policies and Practices in the U.S.A.
Albert J. Reiss, Jr. | 52 pages
Albert J. Reiss, Jr. 52 pages
  161 An Overview of Plea Bargaining in Canada: Cautionary Notes for Sentencing Reforms
Simon Verdun-Jones, A. J. Hatch | 62 pages
Simon Verdun-Jones, A. J. Hatch 62 pages
  162 The Role of the Victim
D. Lanctôt | 20 pages
D. Lanctôt 20 pages
  163 The Sentencing Process:  The Native Offender
C.F. Tallis | 10 pages
C.F. Tallis 10 pages
  164 Young Offenders Dispositions
D. M. M. Hansen | 14 pages
D. M. M. Hansen 14 pages

1976 – 1984

1984 | Law and Justice Beyond 1984 – Ottawa, ON

1984 | The Charter after Eighteen Months - Winnipeg, MB

1981 | Conference on Criminal Justice - Halifax, NS

1980 | Conference on the Trial Process - Vancouver, BC

1979 | Conference on the Cost of Justice - Toronto, ON

1978 | Conference on Expeditious Justice - Edmonton, AB

1978 | Administrative Justice - Ottawa, ON

1977 | Conference on the Canadian Court System - Toronto, ON

1976 | Conference on the Canadian Judiciary - Toronto, ON

# Title Author(s) Pages Price
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