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Towards Indigenous Governance: Child Protection and Family Law in Transition

The panel “Indigenous Family Law Governance and Child Protection,” part of the 48th Annual Conference on Families and the Law hosted by CIAJ, offers a unique opportunity to delve into recent developments in Indigenous governance over child and family services. With the long-awaited Supreme Court decision affirming the constitutionality of the Act respecting First Nations, […]

Susan E. Guthrie: Revolutionizing Family Law and Mediation in the Age of New Technologies

With a career spanning over three decades, Susan E. Guthrie has emerged as one of the most influential voices in family law and mediation, transforming her expertise into a force for innovation. By integrating innovative technologies into legal practice, she not only helps professionals navigate an ever-changing landscape but also enlightens the public on novel […]

Transforming Family Justice in Canada: Putting Families at the Heart of the System

Although reforms have been recently undertaken, family law professionals in Canada are well aware that our current laws do not fully meet the needs of families, and can even cause more harm than good. The Action Committee on Access to Justice’s 2013 report on family justice reform [Family Justice Working Group of the Action Committee […]

A New Look at the Role of Treaties in Reconciliation

Two recent Supreme Court of Canada cases try to advance the fundamental objective of the modern law of treaty rights: the reconciliation of the interests of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Both cases show nation-to-nation treaty-making unfolding within the Canadian Constitution…

Meet our Board of Directors: Nazrina H. Umarji

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Gender and Pronouns Notwithstanding

I want to pick up the story of the injunction issued by Megaw J of the Saskatchewan Court of Kings Bench against the policy preventing schoolkids under 16 from using their preferred names and pronouns without parental consent…

Canada Assists Other Democracies by Sharing Its Judicial Talent

The rule of law is often described as the rule of laws and not individuals. Amidst the roar of debate about this simplistic description, some basic ideas are commonly understood…

Meet our Board of Directors: Janet McIntyre

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

SCC Uses Charter Values to Essentially Expand a Defined Class of Rights Holders

Charter values that subtend Charter rights have been assigned various roles in adjudicating disputes from developing the common law to resolving genuine ambiguities in statutory interpretation.

What’s in a Name (Or Pronoun)?

I recently noticed headlines that the Federal Court of Appeal had set aside an interim Order staying the removal of Colin Ewen because the Motions Judge had raised an issue about gender pronouns…