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Meet our Board of Directors: Athanasios Hadjis

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: The Honourable Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSC

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: The Honourable Judge Eric J. Tolppanen

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Legally Blonde: Zoom Edition

The sun comes up, “Perfect Day” by Hoku starts blasting on the radio, and Elle Woods sits straight up in bed. Her smiling face is perfectly framed by her mid-length blond hair as she hops up and takes stock of the day. The first day of Law School, to be exact, and she wants everything to go perfectly.

Drifting With Some Purpose in the Waters of Canadian Bijuralism

Nathan Afilalo, you are bilingual and have studied both Civil Law and Common Law at McGill University. You have just been called to the Ontario Bar and are preparing for your Quebec Bar exam. You seem to be the perfect example of Canadian bijuralism! What made you choose this specific path? I first applied to […]

Which Rights? Whose Voices?

If we are truly to value our diversity and see it as a strength at a time when we need as much wisdom as we can find, we must be willing to embrace others and not simply be tolerant. Tolerance and sympathy are not the same as empathy and respecting each other as equals.

Jurisdiction Over Well-Being and Back-to-School Measures

In the summer, I was awarded the Christine Huglo Robertson Award for an essay on Indigenous communities’ responses to emergencies and COVID-19. An earlier blog post explored issues of data sovereignty and public health management. This blog post will look at aid and how communities decided to handle the new school year. In May, the […]

Data Sovereignty and COVID-19

Back in March, the world was learning to cope with ever-changing restrictions on daily life. I tried to focus on passing my fourth semester of law school but could not help tuning in to daily press briefings by the Prime Minister, provincial premiers, and territorial health officers. (I was following the situation in Nunavut, where […]

CIAJ Comment on the AFNQL Action Plan on Racism and Discrimination

On September 29th, 2020, the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador unveiled the “AFNQL Action Plan on Racism and Discrimination”. The Action Plan provides examples of concrete steps that various actors in Quebec society can take to advance reconciliation. The document supports a holistic and collective approach to end racism and discrimination against Indigenous People in […]