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Sex, Gender Identity, and Reproduction: Dignity in Healthcare

Learn more on Sex, Gender Identity, and Reproduction, one of the topics discussed in Panel #3 in the context of CIAJ’s 46th Annual Conference on “The Right to Dignity in Canadian Law.”

Wrongful Convictions in Canada

Learn more on Wrongful Convictions in Canada, an issue addressed in Panel #2 in the context of CIAJ’s 46th Annual Conference on “The Right to Dignity in Canadian Law.”

Takeaways from CIAJ’s Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law

To help us better understand the report compiling the highlights of invaluable analysis, comments and recommendations that emerged from the 2021 Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law, we asked its author, Nathan Afilalo, some questions.

A Review of the Conference Dedicated to the Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella — A Life of Firsts

Relive the conference dedicated to The Honourable Rosalie Silberman Abella (held May 12-13, 2022 in Ottawa and Online) with this blog post including some photos and videos.

Meet our Board of Directors: Miray Granovsky

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: Jennifer Cox, K.C.

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

From Lawyer to Podcaster and Many Other Hats in Between: The Story of an Unconventional Career

Caroline Mandell contributed to CIAJ’s podcast channel “In All Fairness” with two series of podcasts on “Writing Skills” and “Brain Skills.” 

Meet our Board of Directors: The Honourable Chief Justice Ritu Khullar

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: The Honourable Chief Justice J.C. Marc Richard

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Meet our Board of Directors: Megan Longley, K.C.

CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.