
Episode 100 (En anglais): Reprogramming Resilience: How Childhood Adversity Shapes Mental Health and Addiction

– Jan 2025

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Episode 100 (En anglais): Reprogramming Resilience: How Childhood Adversity Shapes Mental Health and Addiction
Broadcast Date: January 23, 2025



Nicole Sherren, a neuroscience expert and Principal Consultant at R2P Solutions, joins The Honourable P. Colleen Suche, Justice of the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba, for an engaging discussion on the profound impact of childhood adversity on brain development, mental health, and addiction. Drawing on cutting-edge research, Sherren illustrates how early adverse experiences can rewire the brain, heightening susceptibility to addiction and mental health challenges later in life.

The discussion explores the pivotal role of epigenetics in fostering resilience and examines how addiction-related behaviors intersect with justice systems, particularly when impaired self-control conflicts with concepts of accountability. Together, they highlight the critical need for interdisciplinary collaboration among neuroscience, health, and justice professionals to drive effective policies and meaningful systemic reform.

To further explore the discussion, don’t miss the upcoming CIAJ conference on Addiction, Mental Health, and the Law, happening February 3-5, 2025, in Toronto.



  • Nicole Sherren, PhD, Principal Consultant & Owner, R2P Solutions (Calgary, AB)


  • The Honourable Justice P. Colleen Suche, Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB)



Let’s continue the discussion!

To further explore the discussion, join us at our conference on addiction, mental health and the law, to be held February 3-5, 2025 in Toronto.

Come discover the complex interactions between addiction, mental health issues and the legal system, with multidisciplinary experts and Indigenous knowledge keepers. This discussion will address current challenges while gaining a comprehensive perspective on the critical issues faced by courts, law enforcement, treatment providers, policymakers, as well as communities, families, and individuals.

Register now to make sure you don’t miss this unique event!




  • Nicole Sherren, PhD, Principal Consultant & Owner, R2P Solutions (Calgary, AB)

Dr. Nicole Sherren is the Principal Consultant at R2P Solutions, a company that helps professionals in the non-profit and public sectors turn “what we know” from research and evaluation into “what we do” in public policy and professional practice. Nicole works with clients to integrate best practice research into their strategic plans, theories of change, policies and procedures, evaluation plans, programs and practices. Her expertise includes: operationalizing the science of early brain development, adverse childhood experiences and resilience into policy and professional practice; research and evaluation; community development and system change; knowledge mobilization; public speaking and professional development; and substance use and mental health.

Nicole has a PhD in Neuroscience and is the former Scientific Director of the Palix Foundation, where she worked directly with professionals in government, health care, education, justice and the non-profit sector to embed modern brain science into various policies, practices, initiatives and resources. She brings her unique, broad, interdisciplinary background, her experience working with frontline staff all the way up to executive leadership, and a deep understanding of the differing perspectives and challenges facing human-serving sectors to her clients. 

  • The Honourable Justice P. Colleen Suche, Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB)

Justice Colleen Suche has been a judge of the General Division of the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba since 2002.  She is also a deputy judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice.  In her work on the court, she hears a wide range of cases, and works extensively as a judicial mediator.

Throughout both her legal and judicial career, she has been involved in many legal and community organizations and initiatives. As a judge this includes the National Action Committee on Access to Civil and Family Justice, the Canadian Superior Courts Judges Association, and the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice.  While on a study leave from the court in 2011, she led the creation of the Legal Help Centre of Winnipeg, a free community legal clinic, staffed by volunteer lawyers, and law and social work students.  In 2008, working with teachers, and crown and defense lawyers, she created a program for high school students to follow and attend a jury trial as part of their studies. She was the first Judicial Co-chair of the Manitoba Bar Association’s Women’s Forum, and is a recipient of the Isabel Ross McLean Hunt Award, which recognizes role models for women in law.

Justice Suche is also the past chairperson of the Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee (Prairie Region) and was a member of the Winnipeg Library Advisory Board for several years.

Justice Suche is a frequent speaker at legal and judicial education programs. She has been a board member of CIAJ since 2018, and served as president from 2021 to 2023. 


In All Fairness is a Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice podcast channel welcoming representatives from the legal community and exploring how we can all contribute to improving the administration of justice in Canada. Legal professionals will benefit from informed discussions on key issues, essential knowledge and insights to strengthen their practice.

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