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Meet our Board of Directors: Angela Caseley


CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Episode 63: Trust and Dignity: What Do Citizens Want and Need in a Modern Justice System?

In this excerpt from CIAJ’s 2022 Conference on dignity, CIAJ Lawyer Nathan Afilalo welcomes Rheanne Scott (Director, Justice and Community Safety, PwC Canada) for a special interactive session including testimonials.

Episode 63 (En anglais): Trust and Dignity: What Do Citizens Want and Need in a Modern Justice System?

In this excerpt from CIAJ’s 2022 Conference on dignity, CIAJ Lawyer Nathan Afilalo welcomes Rheanne Scott (Director, Justice and Community Safety, PwC Canada) for a special interactive session including testimonials.

Meet our Board of Directors: Brenda Young


CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Découvrez notre conseil d’administration : Doug LePard, O.O.M., M.A.


L’ICAJ tient à remercier les membres de son conseil d’administration, qui partagent leurs compétences et œuvrent à l’amélioration du système de justice avec cœur et intelligence, au bénéfice de la société tout entière.

Meet our Board of Directors: Doug LePard, O.O.M, M.A.


CIAJ would like to warmly thank its board members for sharing their skills and working to improve the justice system with heart and wisdom for the benefit of society as a whole.

Episode 62: Accessibility and Accommodations in Law Schools

In this episode, Lan Keenan, President of the Schulich Disability Alliance and JD candidate at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, provides an overview of accessibility and accommodation issues and solutions in law schools.

Episode 62 (En anglais): Accessibility and Accommodations in Law Schools

In this episode, Lan Keenan, President of the Schulich Disability Alliance and JD candidate at Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, provides an overview of accessibility and accommodation issues and solutions in law schools.

Day 2 I Panel 5: The Systemic Ableism Within the Context of COVID-19 and Medical Assistance in Dying (1:10:30)


*** Full Transcript at the bottom of the page (Download PDF version) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 2:30 – 3:45 pm: PANEL FIVE | The Systemic Ableism Within the Context of COVID-19 and Medical Assistance in Dying Panel Chair The Honourable Justice James W. O’Reilly, Federal Court; Past President, CIAJ Speakers Michael McNeely, Government Lawyer; Self-Advocacy […]

2022 | Le droit à la dignité en droit canadien


Rapport issu de la conférence  l  Le 23 mai 2023Instaurer, préserver et rétablir la dignitéAuteurs: Me Nathan Afilalo et Sarah Rowe Vous trouverez ci-dessous du contenu supplémentaire relatif à la conférence annuelle 2022 de l’ICAJ sur « Le droit à la dignité en droit canadien ». Les présentations des conférenciers se trouvent au bas de cette page. […]