Addiction in the Legal Profession (en anglais seulement)
– Offert conjointement avec TAG

The Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) and the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice (CIAJ) are pleased to present Addiction in the Legal Profession.
Join us on November 28 from 8:45am to 12:30pm for a continuing professional development program about culture change, ethical issues and practical strategies related to addressing high rates of addiction in the legal profession.
This program is accredited for 3.5 hours of Professionalism Content.
This program is free of charge and will be webcast. It is open to legal professionals, law and paralegal students and other access to justice advocates.
Keynote Speaker: Patrick Krill
Principal and Founder of Krill Stategies
Patrick Krill will speak about findings from his large-scale study: The Prevalence of Substance Use and Other Mental Health Concerns Among American Attorneys.
The program will also include a panel discussion with:
Carrie Fiorillo
Duty Counsel, Legal Aid Ontario
Doron Gold
Psychotherapist, The Lawyer Therapist
Joanne St. Lewis
Bencher, Law Society of Upper Canada