Découvrez les épisodes
Episode 102 (En anglais) | The Toxic Drug Crisis Podcast Series: Rethinking Decriminalization
13 Mar 2025
Drug toxicity is a leading cause of death in Canada and around the world. Over the course of three episodes, we address three interrelated topics related to the toxic drug crisis. This final episode will review decriminalization policies in Portugal, British Columbia, and Oregon, and examine the mandatory treatment scheme in Alberta. Guests discuss how decriminalization is ineffective as a standalone policy and suggest additional resources that are needed to address the overdose crisis. Host Sarah Rowe discuss this issue and more with guests, internist and addiction specialist, Dr. Monty Ghosh, and criminal defence lawyer, Kyla Lee.
Episode 101 (En anglais) | The TAP Project: Chief Justice Marc Richard on Justice, Ethics, and Reform
13 Fév 2025
In this episode, CIAJ's Executive Director Christine O’Doherty welcomes The Honourable Chief Justice J.C. Marc Richard (of New Brunswick) to talk about his involvement in the Technical Assistance Partnership (TAP) Project. Drawing from his experience in Mongolia and Moldova, he discusses the importance of judicial independence and ethics. He addresses questions about Canada’s role in strengthening global justice, the challenges of eradicating corruption, and the value of international judicial cooperation. He reflects on what motivates his involvement and how these experiences shape his perspective on global judicial cooperation.
Episode 100 (En anglais): Reprogramming Resilience: How Childhood Adversity Shapes Mental Health and Addiction
23 Jan 2025
Nicole Sherren, a neuroscience expert and Principal Consultant at R2P Solutions, joins The Honourable P. Colleen Suche, Justice of the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba, for an engaging discussion on the profound impact of childhood adversity on brain development, mental health, and addiction. Drawing on cutting-edge research, Sherren illustrates how early adverse experiences can rewire the brain, heightening susceptibility to addiction and mental health challenges later in life.
Episode 99 (En anglais): Indigenous Legal Principles: Wahkohtowin Lodge's Insights on Addiction, Mental Health and Governance
16 Jan 2025
In this insightful conversation, host David Lazzam speaks with Gavin Cazon-Wilkes, a Legal Counsel with the Wahkohtowin Law and Governance Lodge. This episode highlights the Lodge’s methodologies for uncovering Indigenous legal principles, its efforts to address addiction and mental health, and its aspirations for advancing Indigenous-led governance. Through concrete examples, Gavin demonstrates how narrative tools are reshaping the legal landscape, offering a unique perspective on integrating traditional laws with contemporary challenges.
To further explore the discussion, don’t miss the upcoming CIAJ conference on Addiction, Mental Health, and the Law, happening February 3-5, 2025, in Toronto.
Episode 98 (En anglais): The TAP Project: Insights from Ecuador’s Exploration of Canada’s Indigenous Justice System
09 Jan 2025
Discover the impact of the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) through the experience of the Ecuadorian delegation at CIAJ's 2024 Symposium on Indigenous Justice System. Hosted by Christine O'Doherty, the Honourable Milton Enrique Velasquez Diaz, Justice of the National Court of Justice of Ecuador, explores how TAP facilitates exchanges between judicial experts and justice system actors, while supporting global reform efforts. This dialogue highlights lessons learned from the Canadian system on indigenous justice issues, and their relevance in an international context.
Episode 97 (En anglais): Breaking Barriers: Exploring Addiction, Mental Health, and the Law
19 Déc 2024
In this engaging discussion, host David Lazzam welcomes Justice Richard Schneider and mental health advocate Noah Irvine to explore the intersection of addiction, mental health, and the law. Justice Schneider reflects on his extensive experience with mental health courts and the criminal justice system, while Noah shares a powerful perspective as a national advocate for systemic change. To delve deeper into these vital topics, don’t miss the upcoming CIAJ conference on Addiction, Mental Health, and the Law, happening February 3-5, 2025, in Toronto.
Episode 96 (En anglais): Child-Centred Family Law: A Call for Collaboration
10 Déc 2024
In this episode, David Lazzam hosts a compelling discussion with Vincent Ramsay, a retired family law attorney, and Nicholas Bala, a professor specializing in family and children’s law. Together, they delve into the history of Canada’s adversarial family law system and its profound impacts on families and children. Their engaging dialogue highlights the contrasting roles of “peacemaker” and “hired gun” lawyers, while offering educational and policy reform suggestions to promote a more collaborative, child-focused approach to family law. The episode also provides concrete advice for practitioners and policymakers aiming to reshape the family justice landscape.
Épisode 95: La pédagogie alternative au service de l'éducation juridique
Section étudiante, Autres thèmes – 24 Oct 2024
Dans cet épisode, Qurat-ul Ain, étudiante en droit à l'université de Montréal, invite le professeur Alexandre Lillo, enseignant en droit à l'UQAM, à explorer un sujet novateur : le lien entre la pédagogie alternative et l'accès à la justice. Ensemble, ils plongent au cœur des méthodes d'apprentissage non traditionnelles, comme l'apprentissage par le jeu, et leur impact sur la formation des futurs juristes. Le professeur Lillo partage ses techniques pédagogiques audacieuses et innovantes. Une discussion inspirante sur la façon dont l'enseignement peut transformer le droit et ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives.
Episode 94 (En anglais): Transforming the Family Justice System: Continuing to Innovate to Support Family Well-Being
03 Oct 2024
In this episode, host Christine O'Doherty is joined by special guests Tina Parbhakar, Amy Schwab, and Jane Morley, K.C., to explore the Transform the Family Justice System Collaborative, an innovative initiative in British Columbia, launched in 2022.
Episode 93 (En anglais): Telling a New Family Law Story
26 Sep 2024
David Lazzam, CIAJ's articling student, welcomes back to the podcast Diana Lowe and Justice Rod Jerke to discuss the role of storytelling in effecting systemic change within family law systems, while also catching up on the new story being told at the Reforming the Family Justice System (RFJS) initiative.
Épisode 92: Les familles et le droit: l'approche innovatrice du droit collaboratif
Droit de la famille – 05 Sep 2024
Dans cet épisode, Me Caroline Bourbonnais reçoit Carolle Tremblay, avocate accréditée en droit collaboratif familial, et l'honorable J. Sébastien Vaillancourt, juge coordonnateur de la gestion familiale au district de Montréal à la Cour supérieure du Québec. Ensemble, ils discutent du droit collaboratif, une approche innovante dans le domaine du droit familial. Carolle Tremblay partage son point de vue en tant qu'avocate sur cette méthode qui favorise la résolution amiable, tandis que le juge Vaillancourt offre une perspective judiciaire, expliquant pourquoi cette approche est une option très intéressante pour les personnes en situation de conflit familial.
Episode 91 (En anglais): Talking Wrongful Convictions
22 Août 2024
Stephen Bindman, visiting professor and executive in residence at the uOttawa Faculty of Law, welcomes Professor Kent Roach, one of the most prolific scholars and writers in the area of criminal law and wrongful convictions in Canada. In this episode, they discuss Professor Kent Roach's book 'Wrongfully Convicted' and how he got into studying the area of wrongful convictions and why it's important.
Episode 90 (En anglais): Discussion on Self-Governance With Indigenous Law Students
08 Août 2024
Shayla Praud (Eagle Clan from the Nisga’a Nation), Dominga Robinson (Nakota Jamaican l Pheasant Rump Nakota First Nation) and Justin Thompson (Member of Nipissing First Nation), students at the time of recording earlier this year, share their views on Indigenous self-governance.
Episode 89 (En anglais): Engaging with Indigenous Legal Orders in Theory and Practice
25 Juil 2024
In this episode, Nathan Afilalo, CIAJ's former Legal Affairs Manager at the time, welcomes two guests to discuss engaging with Indigenous legal orders in Canada from two perspectives: the academic side with Associate Professor Hadley Friedland and the institutional side with Crown Counsel Sarah Arngna'naaq. These two guests present their work and active projects.
Épisode 88: Derrière les lois - Une fenêtre sur la rédaction législative
Rédaction législative – 11 Juil 2024
Qu'est-ce que la rédaction législative? À l'approche de la Conférence sur la rédaction législative, organisée par l'ICAJ à Ottawa du 16 au 18 septembre 2024, des experts en la matière parlent de leur travail et des aspects passionnants de cette profession qui est souvent méconnue. Les sujets abordés incluent le rôle des rédacteurs dans les différents bureaux, tant au niveau fédéral qu'au niveau provincial, et l'évolution de la profession dans une perspective d'avenir.
Episode 87 (En anglais): 7 Changes for Access to Justice
13 Juin 2024
In this episode, Nathan Afilalo, Argyri Panezi and Daniel J. Escott reflect on the writing of their co-authored report “Access to Justice Summit: The New Brunswick Report - Digital Transformation: Putting People at the Heart of the System.”
Épisode 86: Série «Sous le feu» avec le juge Simon Ruel – Le recours à la force en droit international et la Cour internationale de justice
Droit international – 30 Mai 2024
Lors de cet entretien, le professeur Vladyslav Lanovoy traitera du recours à la force par les États en droit international (jus ad bellum), qui est encadré par la Charte des Nations Unies.
Episode 85 (En anglais): 2024 Public Law Conference: Rights, Duties, and Powers
28 Mai 2024
In this episode, uOttawa Associate Professor Vanessa MacDonnell welcomes The Honourable Sheilah L. Martin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Public Law Conference, which will be held from July 3rd to July 5, 2024, in Ottawa.
Épisode 84: Série «Sous le feu» avec le juge Simon Ruel – Les victimes et la justice pénale internationale
Droit international – 23 Mai 2024
Cet entretien avec la professeure Miriam Cohen et Maître Alexis Larivière traitera du thème des victimes dans le contexte de la justice pénale internationale.
Épisode 83: Série «Sous le feu» avec le juge Simon Ruel – La défense en justice pénale internationale
Droit international – 16 Mai 2024
Au cours de cet entretien, Maîtres Marie-Hélène Proulx et Mylène Dimitri traiteront de la défense des accusés devant les tribunaux pénaux internationaux.