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From Notion to Norm: The Many Meanings of Dignity


Learn more on the many meanings of dignity (from notion to norm), a topic discussed in Panel #1 in the context of CIAJ’s 46th Annual Conference on “The Right to Dignity in Canadian Law.”

Takeaways from CIAJ’s Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law


To help us better understand the report compiling the highlights of invaluable analysis, comments and recommendations that emerged from the 2021 Conference on Indigenous Peoples and the Law, we asked its author, Nathan Afilalo, some questions.

Webinar | Legislative Drafting [series] – Cosmetics Regulation and Product Labelling in Canada: The Challenges


This webinar will explore Lara Tessaro’s work on the administration of the Food and Drug Act, with a particular focus on cosmetics regulation and product labelling in Canada.
This program contains 1.5 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Webinar | The Honour of the Crown


To celebrate the 40th anniversary of s.35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 recognizing and affirming the “existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada,” this webinar will critically consider and discuss the development of the honour of the Crown, its use and application.

Episode 49: Family Law Reform Part II: Brain Science, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Resilience

In Canada and many common law jurisdictions, there has been a longstanding concern about the family justice system. People who work in the system, families who turn to the family justice system for help, and reports about system reform speak about the crisis in family justice. We are hearing that it is not working for families and in fact, can do more harm than good.

Episode 49 (En anglais): Family Law Reform Part II: Brain Science, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Resilience

In Canada and many common law jurisdictions, there has been a longstanding concern about the family justice system. People who work in the system, families who turn to the family justice system for help, and reports about system reform speak about the crisis in family justice. We are hearing that it is not working for families and in fact, can do more harm than good.

Episode 43 (En anglais): How Do Our Brains Decide What to Pay Attention To? Part III − With Host Caroline Mandell

In this third and last episode of a new three-part series on how the brain works, host Caroline Mandell is welcoming Dr. Sophie Leroy, Associate Professor of Management at the University of Washington BothellSchool of Business. Together they explore topics such as attention, distraction and procrastination and discuss their implications for judges as high-volume decision-makers and writers.

Episode 43: How Do Our Brains Decide What to Pay Attention To? Part III − With Host Caroline Mandell

In this third and last episode of a new three-part series on how the brain works, host Caroline Mandell is welcoming Dr. Sophie Leroy, Associate Professor of Management at the University of Washington BothellSchool of Business. Together they explore topics such as attention, distraction and procrastination and discuss their implications for judges as high-volume decision-makers and writers.

Episode 41: How Do Our Brains Process Information? Part I − With Host Caroline Mandell

In this first episode of a new three-part series on how the brain works, host Caroline Mandell is speaking with UNSW Sydney’s Emeritus Professor John Sweller. Together, they explore a fundamental question: how do our brains process, retain, retrieve, and apply information? In short: how do we learn?

Episode 41 (En anglais): How Do Our Brains Process Information? Part I − With Host Caroline Mandell

In this first episode of a new three-part series on how the brain works, host Caroline Mandell is speaking with UNSW Sydney’s Emeritus Professor John Sweller. Together, they explore a fundamental question: how do our brains process, retain, retrieve, and apply information? In short: how do we learn?