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Episode 1 | Becoming the Boss of Your Mental Health: Self-Management Practices for Anxiety in the Workplace (1:15:00)


Webinar on « What do Do when Crisis Strikes!

Live Webinar | Becoming the Boss of Your Mental Health: Self-Management Practices for Anxiety in the Workplace 


Unprecedented events such as the COVID-19 health crisis can exacerbate mental health conditions. No one is immune, but everyone can play an active role in overcoming and preventing them.
This program contains 1.25 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Heather (durant le panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 6:28)


Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Heather (During Panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 6:28)


Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Matt (durant le panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 6:33)


Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Matt (During Panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 6:33)


Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Ryan (During Panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 8:36)


Forensic Mental Health Success Stories – Ryan (durant le panel 1, Jamie Livingston, 8:36)


2018 | Justice and Mental Health


Conference Title: Justice and Mental Health Religious Diversity in the Administration of Justice)Date: October 17-19, 2018Honorary Chair: Senator Kim Pate, Senate of CanadaCo-Chairs: The Honourable Justice James O’Reilly, Mr. Patrick A. Molinari, Ad. E., FRSCLocation: Ottawa, QC

973 | Mental Health, Criminal Law and Sentence Enforcement

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