Blog 2024

Webinar | The (Dis)Connect between Legislative Drafting and Statutory Interpretation: Perspectives from Three Branches of Government

This webinar explores the specialization of legislative drafting, the lack of awareness of its conventions among other legal professionals, and offers recommendations to better align drafting and statutory interpretation from the perspectives of the three branches of government.
• English program with simultaneous interpretation

Webinar | Judicial Review of Regulations: Vavilov or Vires?

This webinar will consider the traditional approaches to reviewing government regulations and how (if at all) they can be reconciled with the approach in Vavilov, particularly the reasonableness standard of review.
• English program

Legislative Drafting Conference (2024 Edition)

The biennial Legislative Drafting Conference will tackle the most important challenges in modern legislation.
Participation at this program is accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory.

Webinar | The Power of Languages and Stories in Drafting Indigenous Laws

In this webinar, OKT Partner Maggie Wente and Professors Naiomi Metallic and Sarah Morales will explore the theory and practice of legislating Indigenous laws.
• In English with simultaneous interpretation

Webinar | Legislative Drafting [series] – Cosmetics Regulation and Product Labelling in Canada: The Challenges

This webinar will explore Lara Tessaro’s work on the administration of the Food and Drug Act, with a particular focus on cosmetics regulation and product labelling in Canada.
This program contains 1.5 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Legislative Drafting Conference (2022 Edition)

The biennial Legislative Drafting Conference will tackle the most important challenges in modern legislation.
Participation at this program is accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory.

Legislative Drafting Webinar | Legislative Drafting in Time of Pandemic

This program contains 1.5 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Legislative Drafting Webinar | Judicial Review of Delegated Legislation: The Long and Winding Road to Vavilov

The judicial review of delegated legislation is a relatively obscure branch of administrative law. But it is of critical importance since most of the written law in Canada consists of this form of legislation.
This program contains 1.5 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Legislative Drafting Webinar | Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Decision-Making

This program contains 1.5 CPD hour in all Canadian provinces.

Online Program | Legislative Drafting Conference (20th Anniversary) | Making Laws in a Post-Modern World: Are You Ready?

How can we prepare for drafting laws in a post-modern world? Information technology is profoundly affecting our world and the way we draft for it. The conference will look at its impact beginning with a keynote address by law and AI scholar Professor Gillian Hadfield.
Participation at this program is accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory.