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First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Deputy Chief Bill Moore – (25:27)


Deputy Chief Bill Moore – (25:27) Halifax Regional Police, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Judge Anne Derrick – (13:44)


Judge Anne Derrick – (13:44) Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, Chair, Hyde Inquiry, Halifax, NS • Judges and Mental Health Professionals will explore: providing fair and expeditious proceedings for accused/witnesses who have ongoing mental health difficulties; findings of contempt or judicial empathy; the use of amicus curiae; avoiding prejudice and suppressing stigma; sentencing conundrums; judicial recommendations regarding the needs of […]

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Dr. Andrew Starzomski – (16:58)


Dr. Andrew Starzomski – (16:58) Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, East Coast Forensic Hospital, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Associate Chief Judge Pamela Williams – (15:56)


Associate Chief Judge Pamela Williams – (15:56) Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS and presiding judge of the Nova Scotia Mental Health Court

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Justice Peter Rosinski – (19:16)


Justice Peter Rosinski – (19:16) Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Questions – (06:56)


Questions – (06:56)

First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Constable Michael Alford – (23:47)


Constable Michael Alford – (23:47) Court Liaison Officer, RCMP, Kings County District, Kentville, NS This section will feature serving police officers who will survey many contemporary policing policies, practices and problems. Urban and rural issues and responses • Emerging understandings of persons with mental health problems and the adaptation of police attitudes and services• Ensuring respectful and peaceful […]

First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Constable David Fairfax – (27:33)


Constable David Fairfax – (27:33) Community Safety Resource Officer, RCMP, Annapolis County District, Bridgetown, NS

First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Constable Michael Alford – (23:47)


This section will feature serving police officers who will survey many contemporary policing policies, practices and problems. Urban and rural issues and responses • Emerging understandings of persons with mental health problems and the adaptation of police attitudes and services• Ensuring respectful and peaceful outcomes• Protecting the rights of suspects, witnesses and victims with mental health problems• Developing awareness […]

First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Constable David Fairfax – (27:33)


Constable David Fairfax – (27:33) Community Safety Resource Officer, RCMP, Annapolis County District, Bridgetown, NS