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Episode 2 | Mindfulness and Meditation Practices in Times of Crisis (1:00:00)


Webinar on « What do Do When Crisis Strikes »

Reaffirming the Role of Rehabilitation in the Justice System (1:35:39)


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:00 – 10:30 am: Panel Five | Reaffirming the Role of Rehabilitation in the Justice System In the criminal justice system, we cannot limit our discussion to treating mental illness alone, as that is just one facet of relief, and does not protect against recidivism nor increase public safety. How are mental […]

Réaffirmer le rôle de la réhabilitation dans le contexte du système de justice (1:35:39)


JEUDI 18 OCTOBRE 9 h – 10 h 30 : Panel no 5 | Réaffirmer le rôle de la réhabilitation dans le contexte du système de justice Dans le système de justice pénale, le traitement des justiciables aux prises avec la maladie mentale ne constitue qu’un des aspects de l’aide pouvant leur être apportée et […]

Cultural Diversity: Bias in Forensic Risk Assessment and Research Project (1:44:59)


3:05 – 4:30 pm: Panel Four | Cultural Diversity: Bias in Forensic Risk Assessment This panel will discuss whether the current risk assessment tools are appropriate in assessing offenders from minority cultures and ethnicities. In Ewert v. Canada, 2018 SCC 30, the Court ruled that Correctional Service Canada’s (CSC) tools for assessing psychological risk were […]

Stigmatization and Social Exclusion (1:30:55)


1:15 – 2:45 pm: Panel Three| Stigmatization and Social Exclusion Stigma is a major barrier that prevents people with mental health problems from seeking help. The impact of the law on the lives of people with mental health problems is complex; it can affect their rights, their experience with the justice system and their ability […]

À la croisée des avenues clinique et juridique (1:23:24)


10 h 50 – 12 h 15 : Panel no 2 | À la croisée des avenues clinique et juridique À la croisée de la santé mentale et la justice pénale, de nombreux facteurs peuvent avoir un impact sur le parcours des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux, et ce, tant au niveau personnel qu’au niveau […]

The Intersection of Legal and Clinical Pathways (1:23:24)


10:50 am – 12:15 pm: Panel Two| The Intersection of Legal and Clinical Pathways When it comes to the intersection between mental health and criminal justice, many factors both systems-level and individual-level can affect the pathways various individuals with mental illness will take. Chair The Hon. Justice James O’Reilly, Federal Court; First Vice-President, CIAJ Speakers […]

Struggle, Recovery and Hope: A Series of Portraits (1:08:55)


9:00 – 10:30 am: Panel One | Struggle, Recovery and Hope: A Series of Portraits Mental health has a face, and cannot be discussed in abstract terms. At times, limited access to mental health resources land people in the criminal justice system. After enduring such hardship, how do people recover, find hope, and come full […]

Anita Szigeti


Anita Szigeti has practised law in Ontario for 25 years. Her firm, Anita Szigeti Advocates, specializes in serving clients embroiled in forensic or civil mental health systems.Website

Shaping Justice Together


The justice system is being criticized a lot these days. We must admit that some of that criticism is justified. If we observe a system that is flagging and must be renewed, we must also recognize that every day, men and women are acting in concrete ways to improve the system and its accessibility.