Blog 2024

Indigenous Justice System – A Knowledge Sharing Symposium (2nd Edition)

This symposium will examine how Indigenous communities design their own legal institutions to create a justice system that reflects their values.
• Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation
• Accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory
• Participation approval is pending (Section 41 (1) of the Judges Act)

Webinar | The Power of Languages and Stories in Drafting Indigenous Laws

In this webinar, OKT Partner Maggie Wente and Professors Naiomi Metallic and Sarah Morales will explore the theory and practice of legislating Indigenous laws.
• In English with simultaneous interpretation

Symposium on Indigenous Courts

This symposium will examine how Indigenous communities design their own legal institutions to create a justice system that reflects their values.
• Accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory
• Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation
• Participation in this program is approved under Section 41 (1) of the Judges Act

2021 Annual Conference Free Student Panel | Online, Registration Required

Every year, CIAJ includes a free panel specially designed for law students in its flagship Annual Conference. This year, free participation is online only. Registration is mandatory!

2021 Annual Conference: Indigenous Peoples and the Law
***In Person in Vancouver and Online*** (sold-out for in-person participation)

CIAJ’s 45th Annual Conference will focus on the important issue of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples of Canada.
• Participation in this program is approved under Section 41 (1) of the Judges Act.
• Accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory.
• Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation.