National Roundtable on Administrative Law | Masters in Our House: Adjudicative Sovereignty versus Judicial Oversight

Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation
Participation in this program is accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory.
David Ogilvy one of the founders of modern advertising once said, “Hire people better than you, and let them get on with it.” So goes the wisdom in administrative law, where governments and the judiciary acknowledge the need for expert and specialized tribunals to deliver accessible and responsive justice for the public. Yet there are limits, which provide comfort for parties who feel tribunals go too far, and for lawyers and academics who specialize in the law of standard of review. What principles should form the basis of those limits, and what legal mechanisms should be used to enforce them? Should the approach be the same across all domains of administrative decision-making, or are there defensible reasons for applying different standards, and different oversight regimes in different contexts?
- Mr. Michael Gottheil, Chief of the Commission and Tribunals, Alberta Human Rights Commission
- Mr. Athanasios Hadjis, Senior Legal Counsel, Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
- The Hon. James O’Reilly, Federal Court and First Vice-President of CIAJ
- Ms. Lauren J. Wihak, Associate, McDougall Gauley LLP
- The Honourable Justice Yves-Marie Morissette, Quebec Court of Appeal
- The Honourable Justice James O’Reilly, Federal Court, First Vice-President of CIAJ
- The Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin, Superior Court of Justice of Ontario
- Mr. Patrick de Niverville, President, Discipline Committee, Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ)
- Professor Richard Devlin, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie
- Ms. Karen Drake, Associate Professor & Director, Indigenous Outreach, Osgoode Hall Law School, York Unversity
- The Honourable Justice Sébastien Grammond, Federal Court
- The Honourable Justice Shannon Hall, Akwesasne Tribunal
- Ms. Cheryl Jacobs, Akwesasne Court Administrator
- Assistant Professor Aaron Mills, Faculty of Law, McGill University
- Mr. Morton Minc, President, Conseil de la justice administrative, Quebec
- Ms. Marisha Roman, Workplace Investigator & Trainer, Rubin Thomlinson LLP
- Mr. Norman Sabourin, Executive Director and Senior General Counsel, Canadian Judicial Council
- Mr. Simon Turmel, Commissioner, Régie de l’énergie du Québec
- Professor Martine Valois, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal
- Professor Sheila Wildeman, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie
For further information, please contact the Program Coordinator, Mary Plagakis
Tel.: 514-731-2855
Fax: 514-731-3247
Cancellation Policy:
- 30 days or more before the event: Administration fees of $40
- 7 days or more before the event: 50% of registration fees
- Less than 7 days before the event: No refund
At any time, a participant may be replaced by another person without charge