Advanced Judicial Seminar on Administrative Law: Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Working With Vavilov

***This event is over.
Participation in this program is approved under Section 41 (1) of the Judges Act.
This biennial program is designed to provide judges from all jurisdictions with essential updates on administrative law, and give them the opportunity to reflect on and critique recent developments. The 2022 edition will tackle important issues that have emerged in the three years since Vavilov, including, delays in administrative proceedings with the Law Society of Saskatchewan v. Peter V. Abrametz, challenges posed to the courts with internal standards of review and the role of expertise in a post-Vavilov era.
Planning Commitee
- The Honourable Justice James W. O’Reilly (Co-Chair), Federal Court, CIAJ’s Past President
- The Honourable Justice Georgina R. Jackson (Co-Chair), Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
- The Honourable Justice Harvey Groberman (Co-Chair), Court of Appeal for, British Columbia
- The Honourable The Honourable Chief Justice Tracey K. DeWare, Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick
- The Honourable Justice Christine Pallotta, Federal Court
- Alyssa Tomkins, Partner, Gowling WLG LLP, Ottawa
- Lauren Wihak, Partner, McDougall Gauley LLP, Regina
- Philip Bryden, QC, Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta, Edmonton
- Professor Paul Daly, Chair in Administrative Law and Governance, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
- The Honourable Justice Christine Pallotta, Federal Court, Ottawa
- The Honourable Justice Mary Gleason, Federal Court of Appeal, Ottawa
Please contact the Project Manager of Judicial Programs, Vicki Gondek
Tel.: 514-731-2855, extension 6
Cancellation Policy:
- 30 days or more before the event: Administration fees of $40
- 7 days or more before the event: 50% of registration fees
- Less than 7 days before the event: No refund
At any time, a participant may be replaced by another person without charge
COVID-19 Requirements
To protect everyone’s health, the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice requires participants, CIAJ staff, faculty members and speakers to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 unless they benefit from a recognized medical exemption. Masks are required to be worn at all times, except when eating and drinking. This requirement is in addition to any restrictions or vaccination requirements that may be in force in the jurisdiction or at the venue where the event is being held.