Advanced Judicial Seminar on Administrative Law (2020 Edition): A Brave New World of Judicial Review?

Bilingual program with simultaneous interpretation
***Please note that we already have 25 federally appointed judges registered with Section 41(1) of the Judges Act. For all future federal and provincial judges registrations, the cost is 295$ if you are a CIAJ member and 445$ for non CIAJ members.
There is still time to register, even if you are not available on that date or time: the seminar recordings will be made available to all registrants.
Please contact the Project Manager of Judicial Programs, Vicki Gondek, CMP
Tel.: 514-731-2855, extension 6
Fax: 514-731-3247
The wait is finally over. On December 19, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada rendered its long-awaited decision on the standard of review applicable to administrative decision-makers in judicial review proceedings.
This seminar will explore some of the deeper considerations that come out of the existing jurisprudence and the impact that Vavilov and Bell will have on future decisions. Is “reasonableness” a single standard, or will there be different conceptions of what is reasonable depending on statutory and social context and on the nature of the tribunal appealed from? How will courts handle challenges to administrative decisions where some issues are appealable, but others can only be dealt with by way of judicial review? Where an appeal is directly to an appellate court, will that court be expected to hold the appeal in abeyance pending resolution of any judicial review in a lower court? Furthermore, what remains of Baker with respect to fairness in circumstances test? How will a reasonableness review be conducted where there is no or a limited record? All these questions, and many more, will be addressed at this seminar as they represent some of the most pressing issues in administrative law today.
Topics & Speakers
The Vavilov Framework and the Future of Canadian Administrative Law
- Professor Paul Daly, Chair in Administrative Law and Governance, University of Ottawa
Jurisprudential Questions Remaining After Vavilov: Part One
Chair: The Honourable Justice Georgina R. Jackson, Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
- The Honourable Justice Grant Huscroft, Court of Appeal for Ontario
- The Honourable Justice Simon Ruel, Court of Appeal of Quebec
- The Honourable Chief Justice Tracey K. DeWare, Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick
- The Honourable Chief Justice Marc Richard, Court of Appeal of New Brunswick
- The Honourable Justice Janice Ashcroft, Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta
Jurisprudential Questions Remaining After Vavilov: Part Two
Chair: The Honourable Justice Harvey M. Groberman, Court of Appeal for BC
- The Honourable Justice Russel Zinn, Federal Court
- The Honourable Justice Mary Gleason, Federal Court of Appeal
- The Honourable Justice Nitya Iyer, Supreme Court of British Columbia
So What’s Left of Dunsmuir?
- Professor Geneviève Cartier, Faculty of Law, Université de Sherbrooke
- The Hon. Justice James O’Reilly, Federal Court, CIAJ’s President
- The Hon. Justice Georgina R. Jackson, Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
- The Hon. Justice Harvey Groberman, Court of Appeal for British Columbia
Please contact the Project Manager of Judicial Programs, Vicki Gondek, CMP
Tel.: 514-731-2855, extension 6