Webinar on Legislative Drafting: Mathematics in Legislation

***This event is over. You can watch the videos here.
This program contains 1.5 CPD hours in all Canadian provinces.
Sponsored by the post-baccalaureate diploma program in legislative drafting at Athabasca University.
Ms. Nicky Armstrong, Parliamentary Counsel, New Zealand
Legislation usually consists of words written in accordance with the linguistic conventions of a particular natural language such as English or French. But if you look closely, you will see that it sometimes has features derived from mathematics rather than natural languages. In this webinar, Nicky Armstrong, an experienced Australasian legislative counsel now working in New Zealand, will take you through the various ways mathematical symbols and calculations crop up in legislation and how they can be used effectively to convey complex ideas.
Ms. Nicky Armstrong graduated from the University of Western Australia with a BJuris (Hons) (1988) and LLB (1989) and was admitted to practice in Western Australia in 1991. After graduating, she worked in one of Australia’s largest commercial law firms for 5 years before joining the Western Australian Parliamentary Counsel’s Office as a drafter. Nicky worked there for 15 years before moving to the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel in Australia’s Northern Territory in 2010. In 2015, she moved to New Zealand to take up her current role as a parliamentary counsel at the NZ Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Broadcast time across Canada (Tuesday, November 14, 2017):
PT 1:00–2:30 pm
MT 2:00–3:30 pm
CT 3:00–4:30 pm
ET 4:00–5:30 pm
AT 5:00–6:30 pm
NT 5:30–7:00 pm
Wellington, New Zealand (Wednesday, November 15, 2017):
10–11:30 am (local time)
Requirements and Recommandations
Participation will require an Internet connection with sufficient band-width to support video presentations. The presentation will be accessible through standard browsers such as Windows Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome.
Group viewing is recommended in a room (or rooms) with audio-visual equipment sufficient to accommodate the number of registrants expected at your location. A link to the recorded session will be made available to every individual registrant after the event for private viewing.