Seminar in Administrative Law: Dealing Effectively with Judicial Review
– Joint program with the NJI

Justice Anne Mactavish, Federal Court, Ottawa, ON
This program, offered jointly by the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice and the National Judicial Institute, is designed to familiarize trial judges with principles and practices relating to applications for judicial review. The program will develop a framework for dealing with such applications that will allow individual judges to deal with judicial reviews both systematically and effectively.
The program will include plenary sessions as well as small group workshops. It will also include demonstrations based on a fact situation through which judges will become comfortable in dealing with applications for judicial review and assist them in developing best practices for handling these matters.
Please contact the Judicial Programs Coordinator, Vicki Gondek
Tel.: 514-343-6111 ext. 4098
Fax: 514-343-6296