National Roundtable on Administrative Law: These are the Principles, If You Don’t Like Them, We’ve Got Others

This program is offered by an accredited provider of professionalism content and is eligible for up to 6 hours of continuing professional development.
Keynote Speaker
- The Hon. Thomas Cromwell, Chair, Action Committee on Access to Civil and Family Justice
- Michael Gottheil, Executive Chair of the Social Justice Tribunals of Ontario
- Athanasios Hadjis, Senior Legal Counsel, Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada
- The Hon. James O’Reilly, Federal Court and Second Vice-President of CIAJ
- Has Dunsmuir really made a difference?
- The procedural fairness and right to be heard
- The record on judicial review
- The effect of Edmonton (City) v. Edmonton East (Capilano) Shopping Centres Ltd., 2016 SCC 47 on the standard of review analysis
These are the Principles, If You Don’t Like Them, We’ve Got Others
It seems the only constant in administrative law is that the principles keep changing. Is this a function of the law responding to evolving societal realities? Does it demonstrate that we have a healthy common law system, constantly fine-tuning the administrative apparatus of the state?
Or is it a sign that administrative judges, lawyers and academics are really smart, but don’t really have enough to do?
Perhaps the most confounding question is how are we supposed to provide clear, predictable and coherent principles so the public can navigate what we proudly proclaim as the people’s law?
In this year’s National Roundtable on Administrative Law, we examine three important areas of administrative law, and try to make sense where things are, or ought to be going. As always, the forum will be lively and interactive, the focus practical, purposeful and aspirational.
For further information, please contact the Program Coordinator, Mary Plagakis
Tel.: 514-343-6157
Fax: 514-343-6296
Cancellation: Only registrations cancelled by email at least 7 days prior to the event are reimbursed, except for 10% of the amount which is withheld to cover administrative fees. At any time, a participant may be replaced by another person without charge.