Panel 4 | Long (Or Short) Arm of the Law (01:16:30)
Panel Four | Long (Or Short) Arm of the Law
Friday, May 29, 2020 Ι 3:00 – 4:15 pm
Accreditation: Accredited in provinces where CLE requirements for lawyers are mandatory (1 hr 15).
Formation dont l’admissibilité a été confirmée par le Barreau du Québec aux fins de la formation continue obligatoire, pour une durée de 1 h 15 min.
What kinds of decisions are subject to judicial review, and who is allowed to challenge them. Should they be? What impact does the Charter have, and what impact should it have? This panel will address issues of private vs public disputes, the justiciability of Charter-impacting decisions, immunity, the standing to challenge decisions and the justiciability of political decisions.
- Ms. Alyssa Tomkins, Partner, Caza Saikaly, Ottawa
- Professor Nicolas Lambert, Faculty of Law, Université de Moncton
- The Honourable Justice Lorne Sossin, Superior Court of Justice (Ontario)
Online Program | National Roundtable on Administrative Law (2020 Edition): Towards a Unified Theory of Administrative Law?