
Check out the episodes

Épisode 19 (in French): L'art de rédiger des jugements

May 06, 2021
L’animatrice et avocate Christine O’Doherty s’entretient avec la juge Lise Gagnon, le vulgarisateur juridique Michaël Poutré et la conseillère en communication Christine Moisan, sur l'art de rédiger des jugements.

Épisode 18 (in French): Les agressions sexuelles, quatrième partie

Apr 22, 2021
Mythes, biais, aveux et prévention. Dernier d’une série de quatre épisodes portant sur la lutte contre les agressions sexuelles. Avec la chercheure Tamsin Higgs, professeure adjointe au Département de psychologie de l'Université de Montréal et Samuel Girard, candidat à la maîtrise et détenteur d'un baccalauréat en neuroscience cognitive.

Épisode 17 (in French): Les agressions sexuelles, troisième partie

Apr 15, 2021
Rebâtir la confiance. Troisième épisode d’une série de quatre portant sur la lutte contre les agressions sexuelles, animés par Viviane Lavergne. Avec Élizabeth Corte, juge en chef de la Cour du Québec de 2009 à 2016, et Julie Desrosiers, professeure titulaire à la Faculté de droit de l’Université Laval, en droit pénal et criminel.

Épisode 16 (in French): Les agressions sexuelles, deuxième partie

Apr 08, 2021
L'aide aux victimes. Deuxième épisode d’une série de quatre portant sur la lutte contre les agressions sexuelles, animés par Viviane Lavergne. Avec la sexologue Sarah Tessier, agente de liaison et d’intervention en violences sexuelles au Centre d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (CAVAC) de Laval.

Épisode 15 (in French): Les agressions sexuelles, première partie

Apr 01, 2021
La place de la victime d’agression sexuelle dans le système de justice. Premier épisode d’une série de quatre portant sur la lutte contre les agressions sexuelles, animés par Viviane Lavergne. Avec l'honorable Sophie Lavergne J.C.Q., la procureure Caroline Lafleur, DPCP et Me Philippe Comtois, avocat criminaliste.

Episode 14: Cultural Diversity and Bias in Risk Assessment

Indigenous Peoples – Mar 25, 2021
In this episode, we will be exploring whether the current risk assessment tools are appropriate in assessing offenders from minority cultures and ethnicities.

Épisode 13 (in French): L’autonomie gouvernementale autochtone au Québec

Mar 11, 2021
Analyse des réussites des peuples autochtones du Québec dans l’exercice de leur autonomie et de l’autogouvernance, ainsi que des obstacles à surmonter.

Episode 12: The Implications of Vavilov for the Judicial Review and Appeals of Decisions of Self-Regulatory Professional Bodies and Other Expert Tribunals

Administrative Law – Mar 04, 2021
In this episode, we will be exploring the meaning of reasonableness and correctness review, how deference may still play a role, and how decisions of self-regulatory professional bodies may now be reviewed, and more.

Episode 11: Dignity Part III

Access to Justice, Dignity, Human Rights – Feb 25, 2021
An eight-part series on dignity. In this third and last episode, we will be exploring how the judiciary should address the impact of systemic discrimination and oppression, as well as indignity, on an individual’s ability to access end-of-life ethics.

Episode 10: Dignity Part II

Access to Justice, Dignity, Human Rights – Feb 18, 2021
An eight-part series on dignity. In this second episode, we will be looking at the current landscape of dignity in the judiciary, namely in jurisprudence, the impact of systemic discrimination and oppression on dying with dignity, as well as the current legislation and short-comings of end-of-life ethics.

Episode 9: Dignity Part I

Access to Justice, Dignity, Human Rights – Feb 11, 2021
An eight-part series on dignity. In this first episode, we will be exploring whether dignity exists in the Canadian constitution, what the working definition of dignity entails, and how we explore dignity in an academic and legal context.

Épisode 8 (in French): Âgisme et négligence pendant la pandémie de COVID-19

Feb 04, 2021
Plus de la moitié des cas de COVID-19 au Canada sont liés aux centres de soins pour personnes âgées. Ces chiffres sont-ils le reflet d’un manque de considération pour nos aînés ? Quelles mesures auraient-elles dû être mises en place pour éviter une telle catastrophe?

Épisode 7 (in French): L'équité procédurale en droit administratif canadien

Jan 28, 2021
L'équité procédurale démystifiée, en compagnie des honorables Simon Ruel et Julie Dutil, juges à la Cour d'appel du Québec.

Episode 6: Procedural Fairness in Canadian Administrative Law

Administrative Law – Jan 14, 2021
A four-part series on administrative law. Episode 6: Procedural Fairness in Canadian Administrative Law, with Professor Paul Daly. What are the historical foundations of procedural fairness? When did the rules of natural justice transform into a context-sensitive duty of fairness? What is the modern approach to review for procedural fairness? Etc.

Episode 5: New Judges on the Block − With Host Caroline Mandell

Writing Skills – Dec 17, 2020
Host Caroline Mandell speaks with Justices Sheilah Martin, Mahmud Jamal and Alice Woolley about how to develop a judicial voice, the specifics of writing judgments compared to writing as an academic or as a litigator, and the role of editing software and AI tools in judgment writing.

Episode 4: Rethinking Reasons (and Everything Else) − With Host Caroline Mandell

Writing Skills – Dec 10, 2020
Host Caroline Mandell speaks with Civil Resolution Tribunal Vice-Chairs Kate Campbell and Shelley Lopez about rethinking reasons. In this episode, we explore how CRT’s commitment to A2J carry through to its written decisions, measure parties’ satisfaction and more.

Episode 3: Easy Reading Is Damn Hard Writing − With Host Caroline Mandell

Writing Skills – Dec 03, 2020
Host Caroline Mandell speaks with Justices Peter D. Lauwers and Shaun Nakatsuru, and decision-maker and lawyer Jennifer Khurana. In this episode, we explore the issue-driven structure and expose some challenges of writing for self-represented litigants.

Episode 2: Who’s Afraid of Plain Language? − With Host Caroline Mandell

Writing Skills – Nov 25, 2020
Host Caroline Mandell speaks with professional editor Iva Cheung and language expert Cheryl Stephens about the challenges and benefits of plain language in legal writing.

Episode 1: Welcome to Judgment Writing School! − With Host Caroline Mandell

Writing Skills – Nov 18, 2020
Host Caroline Mandell speaks with Justice John I. Laskin, language specialist Edward Berry and educator and consultant Steve Armstrong about the Canadian "judgment writing school." In this episode, we explore the reasons why judges need to learn how to write judgments, even though they have spent a career reading them.

In All Fairness

About this Podcast Channel – Nov 05, 2020
In All Fairness is a Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice podcast channel welcoming representatives from the legal community and exploring how we can all contribute to improving the administration of Justice in Canada. Legal professionals will benefit from informed discussions on key issues, essential knowledge and insights to strengthen their practice.