Executive Committee
- The Honourable Justice Julie Dutil, President
- Miray Granovsky
- The Honourable Judge Scott Hughes, Treasurer
- Megan Longley, K.C., Secretary
- The Honourable Justice P. Colleen Suche, Past President
- The Honourable Justice Peter M. Willcock, First Vice-President
Ex Officio Member
- CIAJ’s Executive Director: Christine O’Doherty
- Meets generally 9-10 times a year.
- Composed exclusively of Board members.
- The decision-making authority as delegated by the Board.
- Recommends selection committee for justice medal award.
- Reviews Executive Director performance.
- Ensures proper risk management practices.
- Makes recommendations regarding Executive Director compensation.
- Makes recommendations regarding fundraising strategies.
Education and Research Planning Committee
- The Honourable Justice Julie Dutil
- The Honourable Justice Susanne Boucher
- Mélanie Chartier
- The Honourable Justice Veronica Jackson
- The Honourable Justice Lana Krogan
- Professor Bradford Morse
- Jennifer Cox, K.C.
- Professor Martine Valois
Ex Officio Members
- CIAJ’s Executive Director: Christine O’Doherty
- Meets at least once a year.
- Makes recommendations regarding education and research.
- Makes recommendations on annual conference themes going forward on an ongoing basis to identify relevant topics.
- Reviews emerging areas for CIAJ to plan legal education and make recommendations.
- Recommends expertise in the fields of law covered in education programs.
- Identifies research priorities and determines appropriate processes to conduct research projects.
- Establishes selection criteria for various research & education.
- CIAJ officers are all members.
Finance and Audit Committee
- The Honourable Judge Scott Hughes
- Brian A. Blumenthal
- Megan Longley, K.C.
- Professor Bradford Morse
Ex Officio Members
- CIAJ’s President: The Honourable Justice Julie Dutil
- CIAJ’s Executive Director: Christine O’Doherty
- Meets at least three times a year.
- Monitors financial situation.
- Presents annual budget for Board approval.
- Directs the work of the external auditor.
- Makes recommendations to the Board and to the AGM regarding the choice of auditors.
- Every 5 years, reviews bids submitted for auditing services and makes a recommendation.
- Makes recommendations regarding financial investments.
- Makes recommendations regarding fundraising strategies.
Governance Committee
- Miray Granovsky
- Stephen Bindman
- The Honourable Justice Julie Dutil, President
- The Honourable Justice Peter M. Willcock, First Vice-President
Ex Officio Member
- CIAJ’s Executive Director: Christine O’Doherty
- Meets at least once a year.
- President and Vice Presidents are members.
- Acts as nominating committee for Directors and Officers or any other positions.
- Leads succession planning for Board, committees and officer positions.
- Periodically reviews bylaws, Board policies, committee terms of reference and other governance documents as requested by the Executive Committee to bring a resolution to the Board with a view of continuous improvement and compliance with desired governance practices.
- Ensures proper ongoing governance education for the Board.
- Reviews the mandate and effectiveness of the Board and Committees, and makes recommendations to the Board, as appropriate.