Impact of New Technologies on Procedural Fairness (1:03:54)
Panel Seven| Impact of New Technologies on Procedural Fairness
Thursday, October 17, 2019 Ι 1:30 – 2:45 pm
The appropriate scope of the use of sophisticated computer programs by government agencies is likely to be one of the most important topics in administrative law and administrative justice in the next decade. This panel will discuss how administrative law decision makers are using algorithms to collect overpayments of welfare benefits, to fix accurate sentences and conditions of release for prison inmates. This session will also explore how simple AI systems are being used to triage incoming legal claims and issues to improve access to justice, procedural fairness and general tribunal operation.
- Mr. David A. Wright, Chair, Law Society Tribunal, Law Society of Ontario
- Professor Jennifer Raso, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta
- Ms. Lauryn Kerr, Legal Counsel, Civil Resolution Tribunal, British Columbia
- Mr. Neil Bouwer, Vice President, Policy and Innovation Services, Canada School of Public Service
2019 Annual Conference on “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Social Media on Legal Institutions”