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First Contact with the Justice System: Providing Police Services for Persons with Mental Health Problems – Deputy Chief Bill Moore – (25:27)


Deputy Chief Bill Moore – (25:27) Halifax Regional Police, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Judge Anne Derrick – (13:44)


Judge Anne Derrick – (13:44) Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, Chair, Hyde Inquiry, Halifax, NS • Judges and Mental Health Professionals will explore: providing fair and expeditious proceedings for accused/witnesses who have ongoing mental health difficulties; findings of contempt or judicial empathy; the use of amicus curiae; avoiding prejudice and suppressing stigma; sentencing conundrums; judicial recommendations regarding the needs of […]

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Dr. Andrew Starzomski – (16:58)


Dr. Andrew Starzomski – (16:58) Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, East Coast Forensic Hospital, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Associate Chief Judge Pamela Williams – (15:56)


Associate Chief Judge Pamela Williams – (15:56) Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS and presiding judge of the Nova Scotia Mental Health Court

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Justice Peter Rosinski – (19:16)


Justice Peter Rosinski – (19:16) Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, Halifax, NS

Courtroom Dilemmas: The Judicial Role at the Junction of Criminal Justice and Mental Health – Questions – (06:56)


Questions – (06:56)

2011 | Mental Health and the Justice System: Barriers and Solutions


Date Monday, September 26, 2011 Theme There are many programs that address the needs of people with mental challenges in the context of criminal justice: This session focuses on access to justice for those with mental challenges in our civil and administrative justice systems. Co-Chairs Linda P. Lamoureux, Chair, Health Professions & Health Services Appeal […]

2011 | Mental Health and the Justice System: Barriers and Solutions


Title: Mental Health and the Justice System: Barriers and SolutionsDate: September 26, 2011Co-Chairs: Linda P. Lamoureux, Emanuela HeyninckLocation: Toronto, ON

Proportionality and Mental Health Issues – The Honourable Justice Edward F. Ormston (23:12)


The Honourable Justice Edward F. Ormston (23:12)Ontario Court of Justice, Chair, Consent and Capacity Board, and Chair, Mental Health and the Law Advisory Committee, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Toronto, ON

Proportionality and Mental Health Issues – Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Simpson (12:54)


Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Simpson (12:54)Clinical Director, Law and Mental Health Program, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Head, Law and Mental Health Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON